H.D. Chronology: Part IV
1929. First draft of "Pilate's Wife" completed.
1929. NO TOMORROW by Brigit Patmore published; H.D. appears as Helga (Hanscombe & Smyers, WRITING FOR THEIR LIVES, p. 250).
1929. H.D. and Richard Aldington resume correspondence.
1929 January 1. H.D. writes to Viola Jordan; comments that she is fond of the Post <?> and subscribes to it--refers to a two part Rebecca West story of which she had read the first part in Berlin <Jordan has apparently sent her a copy of the issue with the second part>--comments that writing a Post story "would be as foreign to me as painting a picture or acting ... but then I know that I could paint a picture and act if the right moment demanded it"; refers to her living situation: "friends, Kenneth and Bryher have definitely taken on this place, I have my rooms and all appurtances but could not have afforded it alone. It is lovely this way ... as they do all the horrible house keeping details. I have a tiny flat in London but will not be able to keep it on much longfer unless I live there all the time and I don't want that"; comments that Kenneth and Bryher are getting a car; remarks on the success and difficulties of CLOSE UP; has become interested in a woman who does readings from numbers and birthdays and offers to have a reading <horoscope> done for Viola if she will send her the relevant data; comments "It sounds silly but isn't really. Tendencies, why certain slack times and failure, etc., etc." (H.D. to Viola Jordan, [unpubl. letter]).
1929 January 29. H.D. writes to Robert McAlomon; discusses difficulities of getting things published and comments "I agree it blocks one not to have things published" (Friedman. Penelope's web, p. 20).
1929 February. H.D. at Riant Chatteau, Territet; writes to John Cournos; refers to a communication from Saxty [unidentified] whom she has not heard from for ten years--comments that she had already heard from the Poetry Bookshop that she was on the prowl; asks if he has heard that Aldington and Arabella "have had a violent and final quarrel" and asks if he has heard anything more but also asks that Cournos not spread the fact that she was asking; apparently Aldington has sold his books; comments on another rumor that Aldington "said he must have more 'sex expression'"does want to help both of them though not in material ways; says she wants to see him if she gets across this summer (H.D. to John Cournos, [unpubl. letter], ®PRThis data from copy supplied to LHS from Friedman; check Hollenberg file to make sure this letter is from Harvard; it could be one of the Bryn Mawr letters¯).
1929 February 4(?). H.D. at Riant Chatteau, Territet; writes to George Plank; comments that Kenneth and Bryher are there now, having acquired a car ("a buick with special hill-climbing devices") so she has been on many rides "spinning me up into the clouds and breaking all the rules of probabilities by swift weather changes";' describes the chaffeur as a delight--about four feet high and just exactly as broad; comments that she has "heard from very reliable source that Arabella and Richard have parted"--they went to Paris and quarreled irrevocably around Christmas; Richard has broken up the cottage in England and has put all his books out to be sold; is concerned a,s while Arabella was not suitable for marriage, she did fulfill some need in him; comments on Aldington's saying that he must have fresh "sex experience" and says "I am under the impression that he has gone temporarily mad. He was, I am quite certain, all but 'certifiable' that season just before I finally left him"; says she cared too much for Aldington to carry on an Untermeyer type of relationship with him; recalls "he appeared to me 'I shall go mad between the TWO of you, it MUST be one or the other.' It seemed feasable all round to step out completely. There has always been a gap in my psyche and I don't suppose anything could 'heal' me, never"; comments that plank was the first person, other than Bryher, to whom she had spoken to of Aldington ("that day at the Berkeley"); tells Plank that Bryher has adopted Perdita and that she would now be willing to go through divorce proceedings if Aldington wanted; comments "He asked me before NOT to do it"; indicates that she would be willing to let desertion be the grounds--"Desertion of course, would be easy as I have lived away from him and in no way communicated with him for ten years"; asks Plank to let her know if he can shed some light and says "Also in speaking or writing to Bryher, don't let her know as she has always been very (justly) hard on R. and I must just joke about him to the two of them, if I speak at all. Not that K. isn't exquisite always ... they just don't understand" (H.D. to GP, [unpubl. letter]).
1929 February 16. H.D. at Riant Chatteau, Territet; writes to George Plank; reassures Plank that Aldington is okay and there is no need to worry about him; comments that she believes that Aldington is now with a group of people near Rapallo; comments that she has heard that Aldington's selling of the books is not for financial reasons but psychological--"sort of spite against himself"; discusses her feelings for Aldington --appreciation that he is alve and not dead--makes a comparason with her mother dying; concludes letter by saying "Don't read Hedylus. It is so long-wined" (H.D. to GP, [unpubl. letter]).
1929 March 13. H.D. at Riant Chatteau, Territet; writes postcard to George Plank, wishing him a happy birthday (H.D. to GP, [unpubl. letter]).
1929 March l8. H.D. inscribes a copy of HEDYLUS: "To K.C. Kyte with the kindest wishes and remembrance of 'H.D.'/ Territet Mar. 18 - l029" (listed in William Reese Company, CATALOGUE SIXTY-NINE: A MISCELLANY OF BOOKS FROM SEVERAL CENTURIES, [l988]; the dealer notes that "the recipient was quite possibily Ernest Cockburn Kyte, the Anglo-Canadian editor and bibliographer").
1929? April? 26? H.D. in Switzerland? writes to Brigit Patmore; tells of plans to come to Paris; could not get a sleeping birth until Tuesday night (April 30?); but may take a day train and stop in Dyjon [sic]; hopes to be in Paris sometime May 1st or 2nd; will see Ezra Pound first (immediately) and then contact Brigit; will be travelling with Egon [Eileen Macpherson, sister of Kenneth Macpherson]--is coming to help Egon find a job in Paris; says "I came in contact a short time ago with aa wonderful woman <LHS has no idea who this is> who has taught me a new approach to life. I think when one is ready to be helped one is helped ... But her great catch word is : the innocent never suffer. As she herself was an invalid for almost five years owing to the brutality of circumstance, her attitude is really Christ-on-earth. It IS so odd how just one person can help one"; says she is in a process of sheedding old leaves and growing new blossoms; says she feels "so much happier and stronger since being in touch with Richard and with you" (H.D. to Patmore [unpubl. letter]).
1929 May. THE LITTLE REVIEW publishes questionnaire with H.D.'s responses.
1929 May 4. H.D. sends postcard, postmarked Lausanne, to Viola Jordan; wants to write but is "tied up in a MSS!"; sends her birth date (H.D. to Viola Jordan, [unpubl. letter]).
1929 May 19. Walter Lowenfels writes to H.D. for Richard Aldington in order to let her know that Aldington had been in a colision of taxicabs the previous evening (Zilboorg notes)
1929 May 24. H.D. at Riant Chateau, Territet; writes to Viola Jordan; thanks her for sending a book and explains that she has arranged for Harold Doolittle to send her a check
1929 June 19. H.D. in Paris (Zilboorg notes--deduced from letter from Richard Aldington to H.D.).
1929 June 30. Richard Aldington writes to H.D. (Zilboorg notes).
1929 July. Bryher, Kenneth Macpherson, and Robert Herring take trip to Iceland to shoot film (Friedberg. Writing about cinema, p. 347).
1929 July 3. H.D. at 169 Sloane Street, London; writes to John Cournos <LHS note: she has apparently had a scathing letter from him in response to her letter of February 5 and is trying to mollify him>; will be at Sloane Street till mid-September; mention compilation for 1929 Imagist anthology and asks if he wishes to contribute; says that about the same time she wrote him that little note, Aldington had written to her and the been in close touch ever since;; they saw each other much in Paris; says "we are very, very close to one another intellectually and spiritually"; says "there may some definite a separation later, but if there is, it will be because of friendliness and nothing else"; there is no question of their becoming "intimate" again; says that she wrote him about Dorothy Yorke because there was no bitterness in her heart; reflects on her past relationship with Cournos; apologizes for having thought that he could share her feelings and return to the past with her; apparently was accused by Cournos of wanting to use him as a spy (H.D. to John Cournos, [unpubl. letter] This data from copy supplied to LHS from Friedman; check Hollenberg file to make sure this letter is from Harvard; it could be one of the Bryn Mawr letters).
1929 September. H.D. records in Autobiographical Notes": Autumn in Berlin; Kenneth Macpherson begins sketches for BORDERLINE (Friedberg. Writing about cinema, p. 348).
1930. KORA AND KA written in Vaud (H.D. by Delia Alton, p. 57).
1930. IMAGIST ANTHOLOGY 1930 (London : Chatto & Windus) published; includes forewords by Ford Madox Ford and Glenn Hughes; contains four poems by H.D.: "In the Rain," 'If you will let me sing," "Chance meeting," and "Chorus Translations; other contributors are Richard Aldington, John Cournos, John Gould Flechter, F.S. Flint. Ford Madox Ford, James Joyce, D.H. Lawrence, and William Carlos Williams.
*1930. "Two Americans" written in Vaud; a short story about H.D.'s relationship with Paul Robeson (H.D. by Delia Alton, p. 57).
1930/1931. Kenwin built in the foothills above Lake Geneva at Burier-La-Tour. Designed by Hans Henselmann. In her ASSIGNMENT OF ALL RIGHTS Bryher gave the full address as Villa Kenwin, Chemin de Vallon, 1814 Burier-La-Tour, Vaud, Switzerland.
1930(?). Period of the monkeys: Lady, Tsme, Sister, Bill, Gibb. etc. <Friedman note to LHS comments that the period of the monkeys began earlier--can document from H.D./Bryher correspondence>.
1930(?)-1931(?). Kenneth Macpherson has affair with Toni Slocum.
1930 February 12. H.D. at Riant Chateau, Territet; writes to Viola Jordan; refers to a book entitled YOUR PLACE IN THE SUN which she says she often consults and which Viola has apparently sent to her <possibly referred to in letters of May 24, 1929 and March 10, 1930>; has tried to do and does an 10 point analysis of what 1930 will bring for Viola (as she has requested); requests that Viola not tell Bill Williams about this (H.D. to Viola Jordan, [unpubl. letter]).
1930 March 10. H.D. at Riant Chateau, Territet; writes to Viola Jordan; comments on a mystical experience (with symbols) which Viola has apparently experienced and written of to H.D.; refers to a woman in London who has had a similar experience and is writing about it and urges Viola to do the same; has done a Tarot reading for Viola and writes the details of the results--this is the second reading H.D. has done for Viola, the other with a different set of cards; apparently Tarot cards were mentioned in an astrological book which Viola had sent to her and H.D. then saw in a shop window in Lausanne (and presumably bought) a French book on astrological tarot; comments that she doesn't do these cards very often and only when she really wants to help; comments: "As I said before, this is between ourselves. I mean, you KNOW what people are like. And I don't advise people playing with these things, forces, etc. Only you see I have had some sort of "initiation." I am sure you know I am not boasting. I mean ... what I do, sometimes I believe is "directed"; encloses "Reading of SEVEN. Viola. March 10." (4 p.) (H.D. to Viola Jordan, [unpubl. letter]).
1930 March 20-30. Period of the filming of BORDERLINE in Territet, Switzerland; stars H.D., Paul Robeson, his wife, Eslanda Goode (Essie Robeson); Gavin Arthur; other players include Bryher, Blanche Lewin, Sharlane®PRspelling needs to be checked¯ Arthur, and Robert Herring; filming done by Kenneth Macpherson. No one was paid and the total cost of making the film was two thousand dollars. In her diary, Essie Robeson treated the experience as being some thing of a lark for them and apparently "they had `great fun,' in part because they liked everuone connected with the filming; when they were shooting the interiors, Essie wrote in her diary: 'Kenneth and H.D. used to make us so shriek with laughter with their naive ideas of Negroes that Paul and I often completely ruined our make-up with tears of laughter, had to make up all over again. We never once felt we were colored with them'"; with regard to the exterior shots and the hike up the mountains outside Montreux, Essie commented "Paul and I were frightened out of our wits"; in the village of Lutry they were followed by crowds; (Duberman, M.B. PAUL ROBESON, p. 131). Filming took nine days (Duberman, M.B. PAUL ROBESON, p. 132).
1930 March 20. Paul and Essie Robeson arrive in Territet (Duberman, M.B. PAUL ROBESON, p. 130).
1930 March 30. Paul and Essie Robeson leave Territet (Duberman, M.B. PAUL ROBESON, p. 130).
1930 May ? H.D. writes to Eslanda Robeson about BORDERLINE: "It is without question a work of art and that satisfies us" (Duberman, M.B. PAUL ROBESON, p. 131).
1930 June 15. H.D. writes to Viola Jordan; reassures Viola that the letters and papers which she sends her are kept confidential;; cooments that her friends [Bryher and Kenneth] "take their work very seriously and in that capacity, I am so proud to be allied with them"; refers to the making of BORDELINE--"the work was terribly hard but dramatically more thrilling than anything I have ever done"; encloses some cuttings; comments "I use the name HELGA DOORN as nom de guerre"; comments that a film personality is separate from one's everyday self; offers to help Viola get published in the area of film psychology; comments on Japanese interest in film and fact that CLOSE UP has about 100 subscribers from Japan alone; recalls Viola coming to see her "in that tiny room in Patchin Place (H.D. to Viola Jordan, [unpubl. letter]).
1930 July. H.D. in Monte Carlo, then back to Territet. <Friedman note to LHS comments that H.D. was with Kenneth then and that "Mira Mira was written about this visit.>
1930 July 2. Robert Herring reminds H.D. in a letter: "You wrote to me not very long ago ... how awful it was to collect manuscriots and have them out by to 'revise'" (Friedman. Penelope's web, p. 19).
1930 August. H.D. in Monte Carlo.
1930 Fall (?). H.D. in Prague; sends postcard to Kenneth Macpherson (Collecott note)
1930 October 13. BORDERLINE screened in London (Friedberg. Writing about cinema, p. 349).
1930 December. H.D. in Monte Carlo; disastrous visit with Kenneth forgetting an appointment with H.D. as is pending all his time with Toni Slocum; Kenneth possibly contracts a venereal disease; H.D. writes "Low Tide" about all this and later destroys it <Friedman note to LHS; factual confirmation needed>.
1931. RED ROSES FOR BRONZE <collection> published by Chatto & Windus in London.
1931 February 13. Richard Aldington writes to H.D. (Zilboorg notes).
1931 March 17. Richard Aldington writes to H.D. (Zilboorg notes).
1931 March. Kenneth Macpherson meets Norman Douglas (Macpherson. OMMES EODEM COGIMUR : SOME NOTES WRITTEN FOLLOWING THE DEATH OF NORMAN DOUGLAS ...).
1931 Spring. H.D. acquires Mary Proctor's THE BOOK OF THE HEAVENS (London : George G. Harrap, 1926).
1931 April - July (?). H.D. stays at 31 Tavistock Square (before going to the South of France with Mary Chadwick) (Collecott notes from EP/H.D. correspondence in the Pound Archive, Beinecke). Reference to H.D.'s staying in a hotel in Tavistock Square also found in Pearson papers (Pearson. Biog. notes file [unpubl.]).
1931 April 13. H.D. begins analysis with Mary Chadwick (Friedman. DLB 45:133) (Friedberg. Writing about cinema, p. 350). Has 24 sessions ending on July 6 (Pearson. Biog. notes file [unpul.]; Autobiographical Notes). {In Autobiographical Notes, H.D. writes: "I am happy at first, then Chaddie comes about with us, to K parties, to Wunderbar. I am distressed at mixing the "lives" or ps-a with ordinary affairs. This is against rules, but I could not openly criticize Chaddie; K is with her too and Eileen and this ccomplicates things as Chaddie expects me to act as "example" to them, when it is I who really need the help after the shock of K break-down. K and Eileen visit me in my room, and Chaddie reproves ME for our all talking together.}
1931 July. Kenwin finished in Burier, Switzerland (Friedberg. Writing about cinema, p. 350).
1931 July 6. H.D. has twenty-fourth and final session of analysis with Mary Chawick (Pearson. Biog. notes file [unpul.]).
1931 Summer (late). NIGHTS, except for prologue, written (H.D. by Delia Alton, p. 57).
1931 August 3. Mamie Smith Howard dies; wife of Norman Howard (Wolle. A MORAVIAN HERITAGE, p. 31).
1931 August 21. Richard Aldington writes to H.D. (Zilboorg notes).
1931 September l. Kenwin moved into.
1931 November. H.D. begins psychoanalytic sessions with Hanns Sachs, who was primarily Bryher's analyst (Friedberg. Writing about cinema, p. 350).
1931 December 16. H.D. in Berlin (?); sends postcard to Marianne Moore; will return to Kenwin (unpubl. letter, Rosenbach Foundation).
1931 December 30. H.D. in Vienna; sends post card to Viola Jordan; gives address as "Case Postale 72, La Tour-Vevey-Vaud-Suisse" and comments "my own box now!"; is over-come with opera in Vienna (H.D. to Viola Jordan, [unpubl. letter]).
1932 January l4. H.D.'s address is "Case Postal 72, La Tour, Vevey, Suisse. [Note: information gleaned from letter written by H.D. to William Rose Benet.]
1932 February (?). Kenneth Macpherson travels to Tunisia with Norman Douglas (Holloway, NORMAN DOUGLAS, p. 393).
1932 February 21. Richard Aldington writes to H.D. (Zilboorg notes).
1932 March 14. H.D.'s address is "Case Postal 72, La Tour, Vevey, Suisse. [Note: information gleaned from letter written by H.D. to Richard Johns; published in A RETURN TO PAGANY (Boston: Beacon Press).
1932 April [11?-21?]. H.D. goes on Hellenic cruise, with Perdita and Alice Modern. This cruise later becomes subject of short story "Aegina" (Thorn Thicket, p. 35).
1932 April 11. H.D. on Hellenic Cruise; writes to Bryher; refers to lecture on Plato on board ship (conjectured date, Gregory notes).
1932 April 12. H.D. on Hellenic Cruise; writes to Bryher; possibly at Ithaca(?) (conjectured date, Gregory notes).
1932 April 13. H.D. on Hellenic Cruise; writes to Bryher; at Delphi (conjectured date, Gregory notes).
1932 April 14. H.D. on Hellenic Cruise; writes to Bryher; says they will miss Olympia but are going to Pylos (conjectured date, Gregory notes).
1932 April 15. H.D. on Hellenic Cruise; writes to Bryher; refers to lecture-conversation on board ship: "tell C., the Wigram states there were mothe-cults under all the Zeus-cults, from Dodona, down the coast!" (conjectured date, Gregory notes).
1932 April 17. H.D. on Hellenic Cruise; writes to Bryher; refers to Nauphia, Tyrus, Schliemann's excavations, Mycene and the beehive tombs (conjectured date, Gregory notes).
1932 April 18. H.D. on Hellenic Cruise; writes to Bryher; refers to Aegina, says they are now ploughing the water toward Piraeus--Acropolis is in sight (conjectured date, Gregory notes).
1932 April 20. H.D. sends Ezra Pound a postcard from her cruise ship: "Aegina yesterday ... Crete tomorrow!!!!! It's like that" (Collecott notes from EP/H.D. correspondence in the Pound Archive, Beinecke). Sends Bryher a postcard of statute of Nike Delos, National Museum, Athens (Gregory notes).
1932 April 21. H.D. on Hellenic Cruise; writes to Bryher; says they can't land on Crete and are going to Corfu by way of west coast (conjectured date, Gregory notes).
1932 June 13(?) - 1932 June 29(?). Bryher in Berlin with Perdita: sees Lotte, Sachs, and Japanese film.
*1932 June. H.D. at Kenwin, reporting to Bryher on staff crisis (Claire's pregnancy). <LHS should verify this; may be other way around.>
1932 August(?) - l934. H.D.'s London address is 26 Sloane Street, Knightsbridge (Collecott. Notes); decorated by Kenneth Macpherson -- a gold Buddha beside the brocaded divan bed, rich Persian rugs, damask curtains, Laligue glass wall wall brackets with a single carved gold Cathedral lamp faience vase, white bone-china cups with the green dragon motif -- as described by Silvia Dobson (Dobson. Notes [unpul.], p. 4).
1932 July/September. "Pontikonisi (Mouse Island)" appears in PAGANY under pseudonym Rhoda Peter.
1932 November 13. Freud writes to Bryher; recalls his meeting her, particularly with respect to her relationship with Havelock Ellis and her life in Switzerland; is attracted by her present offer and is willing to take her cousin (the poet) in analysis; explains his fee structure; indicates that the amount of money which Bryher has suggested (100 pounds) is insufficent for an analysis--the amount suggested would only cover one month and he considers three months to be the shortest possible time limit for a trial period (translation from German supplied to LHS by S. Friedman).
1932 November 27. Freud writes to Bryher; apologizes to Bryher for having misdiagnosed her and is pleased that she does not hold it against him and that she is willing to allow him three months for her cousin's analysis; apparently does not not know the cousins name as he asks under what name she is known as a poet as it would help if he has read her writings; comments that he hopes that it can be arranged for her cousin not to live totally alone in Vienna as as the character of the analysiis will not permit her to mingle with his family; suggests charging $15.00 per hour and settling matters at the end of each month; says he expects to have time avaiilable after Christmas or New Year's (translation from German supplied to LHS by S. Friedman).
1932 December l8. Freud writes to H.D. about preparations for her forthcoming analysis.
1932 December 28. H.D. writes to Havelock Ellis; recalls having dinner in late 1918 or early 1919 in a Soho restaurant with Aldington, his father, and his sister, Molly--comments that Aldington was still in uniform <therefore it has to have been in November 1918> (Zilboorg notes).
1932 (late). Norman Howard moves his mother, Agnes Angelica Seidel Howard from Washington D.C. to Warsaw, Indiana, to live with him and invites her sister, Laura Rebecca Wolle Jenkins, to come from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, to help care for her (Wolle. A MORAVIAN HERITAGE, p. 32).
1933-1939. Bryher helps more than 100--mostly Jewish--refugees escape from from Nazi controlled areas (Friedman. DLB 45:135).
1933. "The Islands" included by William Rose Ben‚t in FIFTY POETS: AN AMERICAN AUTO-ANTHOLOGY publushed by Duffield and Green in New York.
1933 January 9. H.D. at Kenwin [?]; writes to Viola Jordan; comments on astrological matters and war discussions; describes her existence--breakfast in bed; then work at notes ther; then lazy bath; write letters until noon; asks Viola to get her copy of an astrological book which she has apparently referred to; comments that she had a note from Pound, who is at the same place in Italy, the other day; comments that she is spending the rest of the winter in Vienna where, although she will go often to the opera, she is "to be with an American friend, a brilliant woman who is a student with Anna Freud there. I am keenly interested though never 'dabbled' in psycho-analysis when there was the first superficial post-war wave of it. I read much now, however ; and and have had many revelations, find it terrificially [sic] absorbing. I will see much of these people there, and will gain much, I know" (H.D. to Viola Jordan, [unpubl. letter]).
1933 February. Bryher gives H.D. a copy of George M. Lansa's MY NEIGHBOR JESUS (New York ; London : Harper, 1932).
1933 February 27. Bryher and Kenneth Macpherson see H.D. off for Vienna from Zrich.
1933 March 1 - 1933 June 12. H.D. in analysis with Sigmund Freud in Vienna.
1933 March 24. H.D. writes to Ezra Pound and tells him of her analysis with Freud.
1933 April 3. Bryher in Vienna with Norman Douglas >?>; Douglas is interviewed by Freud (Holloway, NORMAN DOUGLAS, p. 399).
1933 June. H.D. at Kenwin; visited by Gretchen Wolle Baker and her husband, Prescott Baker; Bryher is away (Pearson. Biog. notes file [unpul.]).
1933 June. "Quex" episode (another staff crisis at Kenwin).
1933 July 16. H.D. at Kenwin. Sir John Ellerman dies. Buried at Putney Vale Cemetary, near Wimbledon Common (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 402).
1933 July 20. H.D. writes from Kenwin to Robert McAlmon, telling him of reactions to Sir John's death and of her analysis with Freud,
1933 Summer. Elsie Volkart comes to Kenwin to be Bryher's housekeeper.
1933 Summer(?) After Sir John Ellerman's death the trust fund which Bryher had set up for H.D. (as well as one for Dorothy Richardson) had to be renegotiated. These funds yielded œ250 a year (Friedman. DLB 45:132).
1934. KORA AND KA and THE USUAL STAR printed at the Imprimerie Daranti‚re in Dijon.
1934. "Pilate's Wife" revised.
1934. Initial attempts at writing short story "Hesperia" which was "assembled from rough pages left over from the original story, "Secret Name" (Thorn Thicket, p. 36, 37); later (mid-September) becomes desperately ill while working on this manuscript due to the news of Van der Leeuw's death. <Or was it in August?>
1934. H.D. meets Horace Gregory (Collecott. Images at the Crossroads, p. 347).
1934 January. H.D. writes to Silvia Dobson: I live above Jaegar's, 26 Sloane Street. Use the side door beside a window bulging with bras, panties, stockings, suspender belts" (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 4).
1934 January 14. H.D. in London; wites to Viola Jordan; refers to usage of tarot cards and offers to get her a pack; asks if Viola knows the Curtiss books, THE KEY TO THE UNIVERSE and THE KEY OF DESTINY; comments "Yes, Ezra upset me, too. I had to stop writing! It is such a pity!" <Pound had apparently upset Viola by refusing to comment upon her sister's artistic talents; for his alienation of H.D. see entry of June 1, 1934>; comments on havening lent "PLACE AMONG THE STARS to a friend, who was passing through a suicidal phase -- he now says; `I am literally listening to the music of the spheres'"; sends her a check asking Viola to either buy one of her sister's pictures from her mother's collection or to get herself some Tarot cards and the Curtiss books (H.D. to Viola Jordan, [unpubl. letter]).
1934 February 14. Silvia Dobson meets H.D. at 26 Sloane Street. H.D. twists a yard-long string of amber beads which breaks forming a star pattern on the floor. H.D. presents Dobson with her COLLECTED POEMS and RED ROSES FOR BRONZE (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 4-5).
1934 February 28(?). H.D. writes to Silvia Dobson: refers to Frances Gregg "(whose mother was a van Ness"), astrology, Pieter Rodeck ("there WAS a sort of manifestation of that Pieter in Greece"), signed A. van R. -- for Adrianne Van Raalte, a nom-de-plume which Silvia Dobson psyched up for H.D. (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 4-5).
1934 March 2 or 8(?). H.D. writes to Silvia Dobson, thanking her for an announcement lily and confirming expected visit from Silvia the following day; refers to Bryher and Lady Ellerman visiting on a farm with Doris Long <possibby Trenoweth> (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 11-13).
1934 March 26 or 27 - April 13 (?). H.D. in Venice at a pension on the Zattere, near the flat shared by Ezra Pound and Olga Rudge; invites Silvia Dobson to spend Easter there with her; together they visit places shared with Pound, Bryher, and Kenneth Macpherson--"Harry's glittering Bar, Saturn `in an elegant niche', the Ca D'Ora, the Tintorettos, all those churches ... walked through a maze of calles, cul-de-sacs, crossed bridges to the Piazzale Roma, the Serenissima, the Piazza di San Mateo"--met at Florian's for morning coffee and Quadri's for afternoon tea, etc " (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 14-16). [Exact dates from Autobiographical notes.]
1934 April 8. H.D. in Venice; Silvia Dobson arrives (Auto~bio~graphical notes).
1934 April 9. Silvia Dobson returns to London from Venice (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 28).
1934 April 11 (11:25 A.M.). H.D. writes to Silvia Dobson from Florians in Venice; has collected another indulgence card at St. Marks; has purchased some Italian cigarettes and a glass lizzard for Perdita; is reading FINCH'S FORTUNE by Mazo De la Roche (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 17-20).
1934 April 12 (4:10 P.M.). H.D. writes to Silvia Dobson from Quadri's in Venice; reports that she plans to join a procession from Holy Moses to St. Mark's Basilia at 17:00; purchases a volume called ONE THOUSAND SAINTS with her glove-money and a latin book of psalms and invocations (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 21-25).
1934 April 15(?). H.D. leaves Venice (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 28).
1934 April 17. H.D. at Kenwin; sends postcards to Silvia Dobson, dated April 17 & 18 (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 27, 28).
1934 April 20. H.D. at Kenwin; sends Viola Jordan a postcard postmarked La Tour; comments that the lovely picture <by Viola's sister> awaited her return from Venice; refers to return of friends <Bryher and Kenneth?> from America (H.D. to Viola Jordan, [unpubl. letter]).
1934 May 12. H.D. writes to Silvia Dobson from Kenwin, commenting on Silvia's writing (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 32-33).
1934 May 21. H.D. writes to Silvia Dobson from Kenwin; indicates that she plans to return to London in about ten days or two weeks; refers to writing of NIGHTS; speaks of psychoanalytical process (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 34-35).
1934 Summer. Prologue to NIGHTS written (H.D. by Delia Alton, p. 57).
1934 June 1. H.D. at Kenwin; writes to Viola Jordan; asks her to use her London Lloyd's Bank address--Viola apparently is still using Riant Chateau address; is about to go to London but plans to return to Kenwin later in the Summer; refers to picture painted [?] by Viola's sister and is sending money--urges Viola to pass money on to her sister and not return it--comments "I had a little wind-fall some time ago and when I can, I try to get a tiny little sum to some artist, one who is really worthy"; comments that she has been able to check on her birth-hour which makes a difference in astrology; comments on Evangeline Adams books (which Viola had initially sent her) and has bought three different sets for friends; refers to Pound's having struck out at her the previous Summer after Sir John had died and he wrote asking her to help with influencing Bryher to give money to Emanuel Carnevall--H.D. had replied saying that Bryher was not in a state to approached for money and Pound had attacked both Bryher and H.D.--comments "So sad, some lack of fundamental respect for death and birth and in that sense a non-understanding of the crative -drive that touches one as birth and death do. ...There is such a deep frustration somewhere in Ezra, and these things corrode as one gets older. It did not matter with me" (H.D. to Viola Jordan, [unpubl. letter]).
1934 June. H.D. in London, preparing for the future move to No. 10, Lowndes Square {then under construction} (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 36).
*1934 July (a Monday which was Ascension Day [note: date could be wrong: Ascension Day is usually in May: this year it would have been May 7 or l4]). H.D. vacates her apartment for the day so that Silvia Dobson could have a psychoanalytical session with Hanns Sachs, who was shortly to leave for the USA to take up a teching position in Boston {the session was arranged by Bryher} (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 37).
1934 July 18. H.D. at Kenwin; writes to Silvia Dobson about preparations for Silvia's forthcoming arrival with Sheila Barnard; Kenneth is in the south of France; asks Silvia to do astrological chart for Alice Modern; refers to having lent all her E. Adams books to M. C. [Murray Constantine] (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 42).
l934 July 20(ca.). Silvia Dobson and Sheila Barnard visit Kenwin for a few days; Silvia loved Kenwin and contrasts it to a bed-sitting room in London; H.D. throws tantrum, presumably misreading Silvia's relationship with Sheila (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 43-44)
1934 September. Silvia Dobson enters analysis with Walter Schmideberg, partially paid for by Bryher (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 47)
1934 September(?). Conrad Aiken asks Bryher to get him into analysis with Freud.
1934 September 12. H.D. at Kenwin; writes to Silvia Dobson; refers to psychoanalysis, Murray Constantine, Elizabeth Bergner (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 49-50).
1934 September(mid?). H.D. suffers brief breakdown when she hears about the sudden death of Dr. J. J. Van der Leeuw (Friedman. DLB 45:133); he crashed in Tanganika on a solo flight (Thorn Thicket, p. 37).
1934 September 16. H.D. at Kenwin; writes to Silvia Dobson; refers to Bryher and Perdita having gone off on an all day trip to visit Gertrude Stein; refers to readings in psychoanalysis and the shock of learning of the death of Dr. J. J. Van der Leeuw; refers to Daranti‚re publications (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 51-52).
1934 September 26. H.D. at Kenwin; writes to Silvia Dobson; mentions possible plans to go to Vienna to see Freud in mid-October; asks for astrological chart of Cornelia Brookfield (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 55-57).
1934 October 2. H.D. at Kenwin; writes to Silvia Dobson; refers to possibility of Kenneth Macpherson's going into analysis with Schmideberg; refers to a little myth which Murray Constantine had written and published herself (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 58-59).
1934 October 10. H.D. at Kenwin; writes to Silvia Dobson; refers to astrological matters; Stephen Guest is visiting at Kenwin; reports that Kenneth Macpherson has started analysis with Schmideberg (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 60-63).
1934 October 22. H.D. at Kenwin; writes to Silvia Dobson; refers to Cornelia Brookfield and her background {American mother, British father} (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 66-69).
1934 October 31 - 1934 December 2. H.D. in analysis with Sigmund Freud in Vienna. H.D.'s address in Vienna: Hotel Regina, Freiheitsplatz 16, Wien IX (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 69).
1934 November. Frances Gregg Wilkinson living at 46 Beach Road, Happisburgh, Norfolk <there are 5 letters from Frances Gregg to H.D., written at this time, in the possession of Silvia Dobson>.
1934 November 10. H.D. in Vienna; writes to Silvia Dobson; refers to resuming her analysis with Freud; comments on the recognition of the fact that the experience of her father's accident when she was nine led to the development of her own fear of death while travelling; spends much time in churches and plans to see Lohengrin the next afternoon (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 73-76).
l934 November 23. H.D. in Vienna; writes to Silvia Dobson; refers to plans to leave Vienna December 2, arriving in Zrich on December 3, is not certain when she plans to come to London but hopes to be well established at Lowndes Square in late December (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 77-78).
*1934 December. H.D. moves to 49 Lowndes Square, Flat l0, Knightsbridge. This was her London address until she left London for the last time in May 1946. The flat was sublet until Bryher closed it in ?.
1934 December 8. H.D. at Kenwin; writes to Silvia Dobson; refers to her love for Frances Gregg (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 79-80).
1934 December 13(?). H.D. at Kenwin; writes to Silvia Dobson; refers to after effects of her analysis with Freud; speaks of her "Peter Rabbit books" <which is what H.D. called the volumes printed by the Imprimerie DarantiŠre> and to Robert Herring's CACTUS COAST; reports that Frances has begun to write letters to her lately and encloses one which she asks Sylvia to keep safely for her (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 8l-82).
1934 December 17. H.D. at Kenwin; writes to Silvia Dobson; mostly about Frances and her explosive qualities; encloses more letters which she has received from Frances; refers to the forthcoming return to London, "D.V., Sat., next" (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 8l-82).
1934 December 2l. H.D. at Kenwin; writes to Silvia Dobson; fights mother-confessor image that she seems to think those close to her have of her; refers to plans to leave the next day for London (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 85-86).
1934 December 22. H.D. leaves Kenwin for London to take up residence at No. 10, 49 Lowndes Square (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 85).
*1935-1938. H.D. in analysis with Walter Schmideberg (Friedman. "A Most Luscious Vers Libre Relationship: H.D. and Freud, p. 322). In "Compassionate Friendship" (p. 66) H.D. says she began her psycho-analysis him at Gloucester Place in London in 1936. However, in Autobiographical notes she gives 1935 as the starting date.
1935. NIGHTS printed at the Imprimerie Daranti‚re in Dijon.
1935. "The Dancer" written (LIFE AND LETTERS-TODAY, v. 13 no. 1 (Sept. 1935), 225: "We are particularly glad to have obtained from her a poem, written this year.").
1935. Date linked with short story "Jubilee" (Thorn Thicket, p. 35).
1935. Bryher buys LIFE AND LETTERS; renames it LIFE AND LETTERS TO-DAY; and installs Robert Herring and Petrie Townsend [Note: LHS to check spelling] as editors.
1935 January -May. H.D. in London; writes sequence of undated letters to Silvia Dobson; refers to writing letters to Freud about certain incidents <if only one could get into the Freud Archives>; referecences to Cornelia Brookfield, Ellen Hart, Murray Constantine; Kenneth Macpherson (who is in America), Eileen Macpherson (who has concluded two years of psychoanalysis and is very much together, having overcome a case of "arrested development'); to "Poor Pieter (apparantly a curate at St. Clements Church--Silvia Dobson isn't sure if this was actually Peter Rodeck or another manifestation of him; H.D.. Silvia Dobson and Cole Henderson attended a production of a miracle play at St. Clements (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. l03-121).
1935 January. Bryher and Perdita go to the U.S.
*1935 January 16. H.D. reads NOT I, BUT THE WIND by Frieda Lawrence (l934) and writes [to Bryher?] "how grateful I am ... that I never slept with D. H. L." (Friedman. DLB 45:127). <LHS should check this quotation; may be June rather than January.>
1935 February 15. H.D. in London; writes to Silvia Dobson; invites her for "cat scraps" the following evening (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 102).
1935 March 2. H.D. in London at 49 Lowndes Square; Bryher and Perdita return from the U.S. (H.D. to Marianne Moore, unpubl. letter, Rosenbach Foundation, 2/III/35).
1935 March 2. H.D. in London at 49 Lowndes Square; writes to Marianne Moore; refers to return of Bryher and Perdia, bearing news of Moore--they apparently brought H.D. a drawing from Moore; speaks of a letter from Moore and communications with T.S. Eliot (after she had not seen him for 16 years); refers to life as a tapestry weaving (unpubl. letter, Rosenbach Foundation).
1935 May l8. H.D. writes to Havelock Ellis about writing an article for LIFE AND LETTERS TO-DAY.
1935 May l9. H.D. in London; writes to Silvia Dobson; thanks Silvia for gift of a lily (one of the many which Silvia gave to H.D.; refers to Kenneth Macpherson who is back in London from New York (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 122-123).
1935 May 2l. H.D. in London; writes to Silvia Dobson; invites Silvia over; says that either Kenneth Macpherson or T.S. Eliot might be there also {Silvia recalls that she did not meet T.S. Eliot until years later} (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 107, 124).
1935 May (end)-June (beginning). H.D. at Kenwin; writes to Silvia Dobson; expresses her reservations about Silvia's moving into the Tite Street flat in Chelsea in which Peter Warlock had committed suicide; gives an idyllic description of life at Kenwin (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 126-127, l37-l38).
1935 June 22. H.D. at Kenwin; writes to Silvia Dobson; tells Silvia that she will not be able to vist here in the Tite Street flat <LHS note: because of associations: Peter Warlock ¯ Aleistar Crowley ¯ Cecil Gray> (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 139-140).
1935 June 28. H.D. at Kenwin; writes to Silvia Dobson; urges Silvia to meet Robert De Bruce, an astrologer friend of Kenneth Macpherson from Philadelphia (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 141-142).
1935 June (end)-July (beginning). H.D. at Kenwin; writes to Silvia Dobson; comments that Bryher and Kenneth Macpherson "are spending the day on a trip to Gertrude Stein who is on the French side, not far from Geneva" (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 143-144).
1935 July 12. H.D. at Kenwin; writes to Silvia Dobson; written to accompany a letter from Kenneth Macpherson; once again urges Silvia to get in touch with Robert De Bruce; discusses active social life led by Bryher and Kenneth (which H.D. is able to escape); refers to possibility of Thornton Wilder's being in the neighourhood ("a shy over-intellectual little man, very nice, really") (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 145-146).
1935 July 27. H.D. at Kenwin; writes to Silvia Dobson; Kenneth Macpherson due to leave that day for the south of France (Cannes); Lotte Reiniger, silhouette artist, is visiting Kenwin with her husband, also Alice Modern; a crowd of nine is expected for lunch (the others are Gertrude Stein, Thornton Wilder and a friend; refers to NIGHTS as "a sort of veiled (not so veiled) study in sex, auto-eroticism and the wrong people making love. I wrote it the first year of Kenwin, inspired by some rather devestating memories of R. A., and my attempts to 'find myself' ... Also, I use a new name, and it seems to have come off, JOHN HELFORTH, who you may remember, was the mouth-piece of some of my ideas in Kora and Ka"; refers to book by Charubel [on astrology?] (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 150-153).
1935 [August 4]. H.D. at Kenwin; writes to Silvia Dobson; refers to Perdita getting her certificate at the 'cook and wash'; Bryher to leave that evening for Cornwall; refers to astrology, Lotte Reniger and Dr. Koch; refers to Thornton Wilder wanting her "to finish up a Greek play for him to take back to America" (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 154-155).
1935 August (mid). H.D. at Kenwin; writes to Silvia Dobson; refers to ION: "I got out an old MSS of a play I partly translated in '18"--Thornton Wilder had expressed interest in using it for a group of his students; Kenneth Macpherson's address given as Villa sull'Onda, Boulevarde de Littoral, Juan les Pins, A.M., France; both Bryher and Perdita are at St. Keverne (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 156-159).
1935 August 31. H.D. at Kenwin; writes to Silvia Dobson; reports that Bryher and Kenneth Macpherson are due back in London; Perdita is still in Cornwall (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 160-161).
1935 September. First issue of revamped LIFE AND LETTERS TO-DAY appears; edited by Robert Herring and Petrie Townshend; includes H.D.'s "The Dancer," Gertrude Stein's "English and American Language in Literature," Mary Butt's "The Guest," Lotte Reiniger's "Bristol," Murray Constantine's "The Power of Merlin," Havelock Ellis' "Rousseau To-day," and Kenneth Macpherson's "Out of the Air"; also includes contributions by Eric Walter White, Horace Gregory, Andre Gide, Osbert Sitwell, and Sergei N. Eisenstein.
1935 September 12. H.D. at Kenwin; writes to Silvia Dobson; Bryher has returned to Kenwin (was away exactly 5 weeks); Kenneth Macpherson in London, resuming analysis with Schmideberg; mentions that she is thinking of getting a literary agent; refers to difficulties of writing letters while trying to do creative work "outside the one daily, to Br that was by way of duty-cum-affection"; refers with appreciation to the zodiac note-book which Silvia and Mollie Dobson had made for H.D. <note: it is now among the H.D. papers at Beinecke> (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 162-165).
1935 September 17. H.D. at Kenwin; writes to Silvia Dobson; gives Silvia Kenneth Macpherson's address: 4 Kinnerton Street, Wilton Crescent, S.W. [London]; mentions that she hopes to come to London mid or early October and that she will try to begin seeing Schmideberg herself (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 166-169).
1935 September 25. H.D. at Kenwin; writes to Silvia Dobson; refers to description of Schmideberg which Silvia has apparently sent to H.D.; apparently Schmideberg's office was in a house shared with his mother-in-law (Melanie Klein); refers to Robert Herring having taken over the hour of analysis with Schmideberg recently vacated by Cole Henderson (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 170-173).
1935 October 5. H.D. at Kenwin; writes to Silvia Dobson; reports that Bryher has been to Paris; indicates that she is ready to face up to the eventuality of another war (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 174-176).
1935 November. Norman Howard dies (Wolle. A MORAVIAN HERITAGE, p. 32).
1935 November 20 (The exact year of this letter depends on what time of year THE HEDGEHOG was actually published). H.D. write to Viola Jordan on Lowndes Square stationary;; refers to the forthcoming publication of THE HEDGEHOG; coments "I was asked eleven years ago to do a 'peace,' `war-orphan' book but was told it was 1too mystical' though the Boston publisher wanted me to finish George Plank wanted it to illustrate & it was set up at long last. 'Peace on earth' anyhow, is a seasonable motto"; discusses her astrological signs (H.D. to Viola Jordan, [unpubl. letter]).
1935 December. "The Poet" published in LIFE AND LETTERS TO-DAY.
1935 December 2. H.D. in London at 49 Lowndes Square; sends postcard bearing Christmas grettings to Marianne Moore as well as a separate one to Mary Warner Moore (unpubl. letter, Rosenbach Foundation).
1935 December 16. H.D. and Perdita go to Kenwin, planning to remain for "most of the winter (H.D. to Marianne Moore, unpl. letter, Rosenbach Foundation).
1935 December 21. Laura Rebecca Wolle Jenkins dies (Wolle. A MORAVIAN HERITAGE, p. 32).
1936. THE HEDGEHOG published by Brendin Publishing Company. Printed in Plaistow, London, at the Curwen Press, it included illustrations by Geeorge Plank..
1936. "Ear-ring" (by Delia Alton) published in LIFE AND LETTERS TO-DAY, vol. 14, no. 4 (Summer l936)
1936. Date linked with short story "The Last Time" (Thorn Thicket, p. 35).
1936 February 26. H.D. writes to Bryher; quips, regarding the Chatto and Windus acceptance of ION, that Schmideberg "says a publisher is a proper 'father' for a MSS, so ION will have a legalized position" (Friedman. Penelope's web, p. 21).
1936 Spring. "The Last Time," one of the stories from "The Moment," written (H.D. by Delia Alton, p. 44).
1936 Summer. Perdita moves into Tite Street flat with Silvia and Mollie Dobson (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 181-182).
1936 July? can't really make out month in postmark 31. H.D. in London; sends post card to Viola Jordan; refers to having some "'Pyramid' folders" sent to her; says "As we D.V. go out of 'Low passage' about time of my 50th birthday, I take it for good omen!!!" (H.D. to Viola Jordan, [unpubl. letter]).
1936 August. Bryher in Czechslovakia.
1936 September 3, H.D. at Kenwin; writes to Silvia Dobson; Kenwin has been redecorated; Hanns Sachs has been in the neighbourhood that summer, recovering from a slight break-down (old T.B. symptoms) but is due to leave for Boston that evening (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 193-196).
1936 October 6. H.D. writes to Viola Jordan on Lowndes Square stationary; refers to Perdita's having had six weeks experience at "'Old Vic"'this summer with rather eclectic circles, Michael Saint Denis, John Guilgud in Shakespear"; however this has not continued due to winter cutbacks and she is going on with her tap dancing; refers to the Pyramid being a try-on--links it with having been there in 1923 and says "everyone I sent Pyramid to, did respond, in some way, & that makes a link anyhow" LHS is totally perplexed as to what the pyramid refers to--see entry for July 31, 1936 (H.D. to Viola Jordan, [unpubl. letter]).
1936 November 27. Agreement signed with Chatto and Windus for publication of EURIPIDES ION.
1937. EURIPIDES ION published in London by Chatto & Windus and in Boston by Houghton Mifflin.
1937 January 4. H.D. in London; writes to Viola Jordan on quill stationary; thanks her for book; comments that" Perdita has just come back, very keen on N.Y. & all its ways"; refes to feelings of homesickness and the desire to maintain contact with the states; refers to the feather on her new letter-head--thinks it is a spread eagle plume and says "it was designed for me for a surprise. I would never have dared choose it"; refers to fog and dreadful air in London; refers to Switzerland as "too self-contained & insulated" (H.D. to Viola Jordan, [unpubl. letter]).
1937 January 12. Birthdate of pseudonym "D. A. Hill" (entry in Helen Wolle Doolittle's birthday book in H.D.'s handwriting. Pearson. Biog. notes file [unpul.]).
1937 January l5. Richard Aldington writes to H.D., requesting a divorce.
1937 February 2. H.D. in London; writes to Bryher; says she has signed a cheque for fifty pounds "to cover half or more of my share" of divorce (H.D. to Bryher [unpubl. letter]).
1937 February 6. H.D. in London; writes to Bryher; "this is R.'s [Aldington] 4th honey-moon in the heel and toe of Italy an environs, very Byron?" (H.D. to Bryher [unpubl. letter]).
1937 February 14. H.D. at Kenwin; Bryher writes letter to Silvia Dobson with note added by H.D.; they are making an overnight trip to Zrich (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 197-198).
1937 February 20. H.D. at Kenwin; writes to Silvia Dobson; Bryher in Paris; H.D. happy to be at Kenwin; (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 201-202).
l937 March 2. H.D. at Kenwin; writes to Silvia Dobson; Bryher at Kenwin (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 203-204).
1937 March 5. Mary Butts dies (Hanscombe & Smyers, WRITING FOR THEIR LIVES, p. 112).
l937 March 11. H.D. at Kenwin; writes to Silvia Dobson; discusses out pouring of her writing {LHS comment:this and preceding letters demonstrate that her writer's block is a thing of the past}; refers to divorce proceedings; refers to forthcoming arrival at Kenwin and Perdita [for Easter?] (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 205-208).
1937 March/April (?). Silvia Dobson visits Kenwin with Perdita; meets Osbert Sitwell and David Horner; then Silvia and Bryher go to Paris where Bryher introduces Silvia to Sylvia Beach and Adrienne Monnier (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 209).
1937 May 12. H.D. at Kenwin with Perdita and Bryher; makes Mass Observation Report about the Cornation of George VI (Collecott. "H.D.'s London" [unpubl.].
1937 November 16. H.D. in London; writes to Silvia Dobson; is sending over decorations fron past Christmas trees; is getting ready to depart with Bryher for New York; gives Bryher's address as 4 East 64th Street (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 218-219).
1937 December - l938 January. H.D. and Bryher in New York.
*1937 December 14. H.D. in New York (Apt. 4D, 4 East 84th St. <LHS assumes that this was Kenneth Macpherson's apartment>); writes to Norman Holmes Pearson; thanks Pearson for having come and invites hiim to come again on Monday next [December 20?] as Kenneth was sorry to have to rush off; apparently has had a discussion with Pearson about literary rights {probably in the context of including some of her poems in THE OXFORD ANTHOLOGY OF AMERICAN LITERATURE}; indicates that she has had difficulties involving Boni and Liveright and Jonathan Cape with the publication of one of her books <LHS assumes this was the 1925 COLLECTED POEMS and conjectures that H.D. had signed an agreement with Jonathan Cape for an English edition of the volume and that the stippulation mas made that she would receive a copy of the galleys to check for errors--apparently Cape had made an arrangement with Boni and Liverignt to issue the volume in America--and H.D. had never received any galley proofs for that issue, nor the proposed Cape edition, if such is the case> and she had taken the matter to the Society of Authors with the result that about 50 letters passed between their lawyers and Jonathan Cape, to no avail--comments that the royalties which she had received from Boni and Liveright were beyond any managed by Houghton Mifflin--further states that the legal expense of getting the matter straightened out was such that finally she simply withdrew her consent for Cape's setting up the volume [comment: correspondence with the Society of Authors should be checked for further clarification if possible]; says she would be grateful if Pearson were to attempt to try to straighten out the problem of the rights to reprint her poems; is expecting Perdita to join them for Christmas (H.D. to NHP, [unpubl. letter]).
1937 December. H.D. visits Bethlehem with Bryher and Mary Herr.
1938. H.D. included in THE OXFORD ANTHOLOGY OF AMERICAN LITERATURE (New York, Oxford University Press), edited by William Rose B‚net and Norman Holmes Pearson.
1938. Robert McAlmon's BEING GENIUSES TOGETHER published in London by Secker and Warburg.
*1938. H.D. receives the Helen Haine(sp?) Levenson prize of POETRY magazine for "Sigel XV" and "Callypso Speaks.".
1938 January 2. Mary Palmer Howard; wife of Russell Howard dies (Wolle. A MORAVIAN HERITAGE, p. 31).
1938 January 8. H.D. in New York; sends postcard to Viola Jordan (H.D. to Viola Jordan, [unpubl. letter]).
1938 January 14. H.D. leaves New York.
1938 February. Silvia and Mollie Dobson and Perdita discover, fall in love with and lease Woodhall, twenty-nine miles from London (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 220-222, 225).
1938 February 5. H.D. in London; writes to Norman Holmes Pearson; thanks him for his efforts on behalf of "H.D.";; has had an alarming letter from Bryher, full of orders about collecting old agreements, etc.; has seen Chatto & Windus but no discussion about contracts yet; comments on Abraham Doolittle's tombstone being in Wallingford and the fact that she always meant to see it; wants him to let her know if he comes over--"I am always happy to see people at tea-time (4ish) or sherry (6ish) but keep myself to myself most of the rest of the day (H.D. to NHP, [unpubl. letter]).
1938 February 18(?). Bryher returns to England.
1938 April 14. H.D. in London; writes to Norman Holmes Pearson ; thanks him for having spoken to Mr. Ober; indicates that there must have been some misunderstanding as she has heard from Ober that his firm is apparently only interested in reissuing the COLLECTED POEMS whereas she is interested in finding a publisher who would be interested in reprinting all of her work and Bryher had assured her that Ober was interested in doing this (H.D. to NHP, [unpubl. letter]).
1938 May 6. H.D. at Kenwin; writes to Silvia Dobson; she and Bryher are planning to sit by the radio all day, possibly awaiting word that the Western Allies had repulsed a German threat to Czechoslovakia; goes to a tea shop in Vevey (?) to sit and write in the mornings which gives her a feeling that she is in Paris or Vienna; speaks of Schmideberg and expresses opinion that "he knows his onions, though I presonally [sic] would as soon try somebodie [sic] elses brand"; hopes to be back in London about the 24-25th of the month (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 222, 230-231).
1938 May 13. H.D. in London; writes to Bryher; divorce has been heard in court that day; comments "Aldington is suppose to pay 'costs' whatever that is" (H.D. to Bryher [unpubl. letter]).
1938 June 9. Richard Aldington calls at Lowndes Square (Auto~bio~graphical notes; event described in letter to George Plank, [June 16? 1938]). H.D. describes event to Bryher; Aldington had telephoned to ask if he might call; he is there for over two hours; Sylvia Dobson there initially by pre-arrangement; asks H.D. to pay the costs of the divorce as he has no money; child is due at the end of June and they want it to be legitimate; H.D. comments to Bryher thty Aldington bewails the size of Netta's pelvis (H.D. to Bryher [unpubl. letter]) <letter skimmed by LHS>. Silvia Dobson asked by H.D. to be present at Lowndes Square while she met Richard Aldington; Silvia describes him as "a plump, middle-aged business type cynic, exuding dissimulation spiced by plum-pudding shrewdness (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 200).
1938 June 17. H.D. sees Freud in London.
1938 June 21. H.D. in London; writes to Silvia Dobson; has received her "Absolute" but it will not be made public until the following day (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 232-233).
*1938 June 22. Divorce of H.D from Richard Aldington finalized (H.D. given the final decree). <Note: H.D. may have spent the day with Perdita; Guest to be checked on this.> <Also: Francis wolle (in A MORAVIAN HERITAGE, p. 58) claims that in order to prove that H.D. was not also guilty of of adultery (the grounds under which the divorce was filed) she suffered the humiliating ordeal of being shadowed by detectives for several months--LHS will have reread H.D.'s letters to George Plank to see if there is any mention of this.>
1938 September 11. H.D. in London; writes to Silvia Dobson; refers to QUEST FOR CORVO and to Sir Compton MacKenzie's GREEK MEMORIES (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 224, 238-241).
1938 September 25. Agnes Angelica Seidel Howard dies (Wolle. A MORAVIAN HERITAGE, p. 32).
1938 September (late). H.D. pays first visit to Woodhall (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 224-225).
1938 Autumn (Early?). H.D. back in London, after having paid a visit to Cornwall (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 246-250).
1938 October 28. H.D. at Kenwin; writes to Silvia Dobson; plans to return to London mid-November; Bryher has been deep in rescue work and is now in Paris (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 251-254).
*1938 October/November. Last time H.D. and Ezra Pound met in person (Guest, p. 246-249). Also mentioned in END TO TORMENT.
1938 November 4. H.D. at Kenwin; writes to Silvia Dobson; Bryher has been at Audley St. with Lady Ellerman but is apparently leaving for New York the next day on the "Normandie" (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 255-256).
1938 November 24. H.D. in London; writes to Norman Holmes Pearson; sends him some saints for his health [he has had a graft on his left hip and is hospitalized in Chicago]; tells him that a visual image of him as Philip of Spain in a ruff has emerged--"I always ssee you in romantic accoutrement"; mentions frustration with political climate and approaching war (H.D. to NHP, [unpubl. letter]).
1938 December 2. H.D. in London; writes to Norman Holmes Pearson; tells him that the ANTHOLOGY has arrived--"I have not the heart to pen it, feel a little sad that so much of your strenth and integrity should have gone into the making of it" (H.D. to NHP, [unpubl. letter]).
1938 December 7. H.D. in London; writes to Silvia Dobson (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 257).
1939 Summer. "Madrigal" (later published as BID ME TO LIVE) roughed out; wrote as far as middle of chapter 10 (Thorn Thicket, p. 27).
1939 June 16. H.D. at Kenwin; writes to Silvia Dobson; is sending her two books by May Sarton; Bryher is on one of her trips (incog) to the North (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 270).
1939 July (end?). Walter and Melitta Schmideberg visit Kenwin; H.D. fretting because Melitta has insisted on borrowing H.D.'s typewriter to take with her on a trip (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 264).
1939 August 3. Silvia Dobson arrives at Kenwin for a two week visit (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 263).
1939 August 19. Silvia Dobson leaves Kenwin (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 264).
1939 August 22. H.D. at Kenwin; writes to Silvia Dobson; H.D. apparently had acquired a kitten named "Sir Gay" for her London apartment which was being looked after by Sheila Barnard {Silvia Dobson comments that Sir Gay did not last long}; the Schmidebergs are still at Kenwin; Bryher and H.D. apparently had gone to a costume fete in Zürich (here H.D. refers to having conquered a "fundamental fear" of expositions); plans to stay at Kenwin until after September 10; Bryher has begun taking taking flying lessons {Silvia comments that Bryher never did "get into the air"} (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 263-264, 271-272).
1939 September 3. Date H.D. regarded as being the date of the outbreak of World War II (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 281).
*1939 September 9 (?). H.D. at Kenwin; writes to Silvia Dobson; Bryher had been gone on a consulate job at Zürich, but is now back at Kenwin; the outbreak of World War II has occurred; Walter Schmideberg has been stranded at Kenwin; {in her note Silvia refers to Ernst Modern having gotten his permit in time to sail for New York--says that Bryher sponsored so many psychologists, doctors, lawyer and intellectuals that she had over spent her quota and that many of the refugees on Bryher's list failed to escape--earlier that summer, June, Bryher had asked Silvia to apply for a Mrs. Henrietta Barsis as their house-keeper--she never made it to Woodhall and Silvia thinks she probably perished in the concentation camps <LHS remembers seeing correspondence from an Olga Barsis in the Bryher papers whom he thinks may have been Hanns Sachs' sister and that she survived; LHS to check for further information>}; Perdita in Corwall (with Lady Ellerman?) (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 265-266, 273-274).
1939 September 16. Lady Hannah Glover Ellerman, Bryher's mother, dies in Cornwall. Buried at Putney Vale Cemetary, near Wimledon Common (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 402).
1939 September 23. Sigmund Freud dies in London.
1939 September 25. H.D. at Kenwin; writes to Silvia Dobson; Schmidebergs still at Kenwin; now talking about leaving at end of July on the Orient Express with Bryher; Bryher will stay with H.D. while she goes through Lady Ellerman's "personal effects"; Perdita wires that she is back in London; news of Freud's death has also reached Kenwin; Norman Douglas has been at Kenwin; Kenneth Macpherson has been instructed by Bryher to stay in New York (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 274B, 280-281).
1939 October 20. H.D. at Kenwin; writes to Silvia Dobson; H.D. has had a spot of flu; talks of flying from Paris to London; is going to Dr. Galbreath for tea (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 274B, 282).
1939 November 16. H.D. in London; writes to Silvia Dobson; Bryher is still in Switzerland; found trip over very harrowing ("crossed in a life-belt") (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 275, 283-284).
1940 - 1941. "Within the walls" written (H.D. by Delia Alton, p. 39).
1940 Summer. "Before the Battle" written; earliest sketch written for "Within the Walls" (H.D. by Delia Alton, p. 39).
1940 June 40. H.D. in London at 49 Lowndes Square; writes to Marianne Moore; is worried about Bryher who has been able to leave Switzerland--has not communicated with her since the final collapse of France; speaks of George Plank; since Moore can still communicate with Bryher, H.D. asks her to let Bryher know that she is well; says "We are living in this burning light of LIFE. Life is so beautiful and chairs and tables so important and every day one is grateful for the wall about one, the roof, the unbroken windows. All very primitive-"; speaks of Robert Herring who's mother has died but he stays on in Eastbourne working in a hospital; Perdita is well and working on a novel of sorts which she calls "Pre-War"; says that Boni and Liveright are "threatening" to bring out her COLLECTED POEMS again--she says "threatening" because H.D. had wanted to get the copyright out of their control after they failed; she has put the matter in the hands of one of Bryher's lawyers; comments that she had told Boni and Liveright and Houghton Mifflin that she was anxious not to publish anything until after the war was over; asks Moore if she will read proofs for her if it becomes necessary; though she hates publicity she does plan to fight this one because of the principal [sic]; describes a wartime expience where apparently there was a warning at night, she dressed and went to find a "shelter" but no one was there so she came back, then she went and sat across the hall with some neighbors--around 3:00 AM her phone rang, she answered and it was Walter Schmideberg who said that the occupants of basement apartments had turned loose their gramophones and that it was a lovely night (he had been for a long walk) and suggested that she go back to bed so she did <Check histories of World War II to see if something happened around the evening of June 26, 1940 which made Londoners rejoice> concludes letter by saying "I am glad you are spared all this but somehow sorry, too, as our fervour and intensity gives new life to the very bones" (unpubl. letter, Rosenbach Foundation).
1940 July 6. H.D. in London; writes to Silvia Dobson; talks of either going to Cornwall, as Bryher wanted her to do or coming down to Woodhall (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 293-294).
1940 August. H.D. spent time at Woodhall with Silvia Dobson (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 290).
1940 September. Marianne Moore acting for H.D. on matter of a new edition of collected poems and has consulted with a Mr. Smith of Liveright; H.D. consulting with the Society of Authors in London.
1940 September 24. H.D. in London at 49 Lowndes Square; writes to Marianne Moore; tells Moore of letter received from her with enclosures--there was an official slip saying one postcard had been omitted or lost; refers to Mr. Smith's letter commenting that mistakes in COLLECTED POEMS OF H.D. had never been brought to his attention--indicates that it is a sham; books are not being sent over now; has experienced nearly three weeks of constant hammering [bombing?]; comments that it is strange how naturally they have begun to take this "nine o'clock symphony"; many of her fiends have had narrow escapes; Perdita, too, experienced a bombing directly across the street, outside her flat so H.D. has her staying with her in the little ground floor box room (H.D.'s flat is on the 4th floor (British count) or 5th floor (American count); Perdita is awaiting new work as her centre was evacuated and only a fraction of the staff were taken; Bryher is in Lisbon (staying at Hotel Astoria in Estoril and has a young friend [?] with her) and has sent various cable and her lawyer is trying to get her back to London but there are long waiting lists and Bryher is not in with the embassy set there; wonders if Bryher will take a ship to the US; has sent wires to Bryher though they are asked to keep wires and telephone calls down as much as possible; will send a letter to Harold Doolittle to ask him to advance some money to Moore to cover expenses; comments that it begins to look as if they may have to buy back the Boni copyright; asks Moore to get something for her mother from H.D. ; comments that "every morning is a sort of special gift ; a new day to be cherished and loved , a DAY that seems to love back in return... life should always have been like that, the wasted days,years! Every new morning is like a return from a bout of fever ... and strangely I, personally and others who have been able to stick it, seem to feel more alive and physically stronger than for years"; "and there is such heroic power here and wonderful miraculous courage, in simple people, the `unknown warriot' that Mr. Churchill speaks of" (unpubl. letter, Rosenbach Foundation).
1940 September 28. H.D. in London; finds Bryher sitting on her suitcase in the entrance to 49 Lowndes Square (Collecott. "H.D.'s London" [unpubl.]).
1940 October 26-27 (?). H.D. and Bryher spend the weekend in Cambridge; amount of bombing seems a pin-prick after London; H.D. rides down the river and enjoyed the literary associations (H.D. to M. Moore, unpubl. letter, Rosenbach Foundation, 30/X/40).
1940 October 30. H.D. in London at 49 Lowndes Square; writes to Marianne Moore; notes arrival of two volumes of Collected Poems of H.D.; asks Moore to remain her agent; comments "Death becomes the one important idea- and that idea is so familiar- I just didn't want to leave things untidy"; views her situation as being in a sort of fortress with the steel girders though they sleep in the box room; has recently had 7 weeks on "constant hammering"; tells Moore that fir the first time since her return from Switzerland (November 1939) she has had a train trip--they went to Cambridge for last weekend--an incredible experience; comments that Bryher is considering taking a cottage in Cambridge for continuing Life and Letters; comments that the lovely old room in the Inner Temple where Shakespear presented one of his plays to Queen Elizabeth was gutted--was a very great shock; comments "and now the Harvest Moon and the Hunter's Moon are over, we may perhaps hope for quieter nights - the fog is on us and we greet it with paens of thanksgiving; though it goes not make the city fool-proof, it means ice often above and the Nazi wings can't take it" (unpubl. letter, Rosenbach Foundation).
1940 December 31. H.D. apparently at the Bull Hotel, Cambridge, with Bryher; writes to Silvia Dobson on hotel stationary (Dobson. Notes[unpubl.], p. 299-300).
1941 - 1943. THE GIFT written (Friedman. DLB 45:136) (H.D. by Delia Alton, p. 14).
1941. Frances Gregg Wilkinson and her daughter are killed in the blitz on Plymouth (EP to DP, note, p. 149). [Frances's mother was also killed at this time. (Comment made by Sylvia Dobson to LHS, June 1988.)]
1941 March 30. H.D. in London; writes to Viola Jordan; thanks her for sending food, but indicates that they have plenty now; reflects on some crackers that brought back memories of hot chocolate after school; speculates that she may go to Derbyshire for Easter to get away from the "NOISE"; refers to the "serbs tanding up so splendidly"; comments "our daily ESCAPE is our great adventure"; comments "thank you for news of Ezra but I can't say I agree with his attitude, though don't know what he said exactly to USA"; refers to sending LIFE AND LETTERS with a piece by "'voluntary worker' on driving mobile canteen, who is Perdita" [on April 30, 1941, H.D. further explains in a letter to Viola Jordan that Perdita is "the second canteen worker in the 2 articles on mobile canteens"] (H.D. to Viola Jordan, [unpubl. letter]).
1941 Spring. "The Ghost" written; the last of the sequence of sketches in "Within the Walls" (H.D. by Delia Alton, p. 39).
1941 April 24. H.D. in London; writes to Viola Jordan; thanks her for sending magazines; seems to especially appreciate NEW YORK TIMES BOOK REVIEW; refers to being heartsick about Greece; refrs to possibly going to Robert Herring's (Northlands, Station Road, Derbyshire) (H.D. to Viola Jordan, [unpubl. letter]).
1941 May 1. H.D. in London; writes to Viola Jordan; refers again to enjoyment of NEW YORK TIMES BOOK REVIEW; refers to news of Ezra Pound and comments "he always said something vile against Jews or [?]isting political institutions when he wrote me, too, but I have not heard for a long time"; comments that heard rumors in Paris (?) that Pound was definitely doing Nazi work though she doesn't know if that was true "but if so, he would be obliged to run down Jews whenever possible- it seemed silly, as I have been right in rescue work, years back, and anyhow, am not violently pro-Jew and certainly not anti-Jew. They come like the rest of us, as they come, some good, some utterly dull and tiresome"; comments that she had not known of Maria's existence until a few years ago and that Pound had sent her pictures of her--"has his wonderful hair"; refers to Tarot cards but claims she doesn't take them seriously--"its the link up with star-symbolism that I find so fascinating" (H.D. to Viola Jordan, [unpubl. letter]).
1941 May 5. H.D. in London; writes to Viola Jordan; warns Viola not to send cigarettes (possible double-duty and general cutting down); jokingly says that when she is in her seventies she will come and enjoy Viola's garden and finish her autobiography there; speculates on what the New Jersey sea coast towns are like now; recalls her childhood [?] visit to Point Pleasant and how much she loved it; repeats what she said about Pound [cf. entry for May 1, 1941] except this time says that the rumors had him linked to the Italian dictator; assures Viola that the aid from from The USA is very much appreciated by the British (H.D. to Viola Jordan, [unpubl. letter]).
1941 (?) June 21. H.D. in London; writes to Viola Jordan; refers to having gone to Sherwood Forest and encloses a post card of the "Major Oak"; comments that when Pound was in London to dispose of Olivia Shakespear's possessions, he had brought her back to Lowndes Square in a taxi but would not come up to see the flat (possibly off to a concert) (H.D. to Viola Jordan, [unpubl. letter]). [LHS comment: dating of this letter is uncertain but if H.D. and Bryher had gone to visit Robert Herring [cf. entry for April 24, 1941] they would have been close enough for a side trip to Sherwood Forest.]
1941 (?) June 30. H.D. in London; writes to Viola Jordan; thanks her for cigarettes and chocolate [apparently quite a sizable amount of both], however, because of the cigarettes this morning they had a visit from a government official because of the number of packets they had recieved lately--they were allowed to keep them but had to pay a little duty; refers to a little book, PROPHESIES OF THE WAR (links up with astrological researches) which she will try to have sent to Viola (H.D. to Viola Jordan, [unpubl. letter]).
1941 July. "A Letter from England" published in the BRYN MAWR ALUMNAE BULLETIN.
1941 (?) July 2. H.D. in London; writes to Viola Jordan; refers to "little Flower," Saint Therese of Liseux and to Henri Gheon's THE SECRET OF THE LITTLE FLOWER--comments that she has everything that she can lay hands on regarding Saint Therese--refers to "roses" (or blessings--messages?) that Saint Therese said she would let fall after her death!); says she loves hearing from Viola; comments "I am deep in biblical lore, along with the srar research. The Aquarian age that is coming in with such agony, as was always predicted, is a women's age an we must stick together" (H.D. to Viola Jordan, [unpubl. letter]).
1941 July 14. H.D. in London; writes to Silvia Dobson; has just seen the notice of Ethne Dobson's death in the MANCHESTER GUARDIAN; plans to follow Bryher to Cornwall (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 302-303, 308-309).
1941 September 7. H.D. in Cornwall; writes to Silvia Dobson (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 310-311).
1941 September. After return from Cornwall meets the RAF boy written about in "R.A.F."; later published in WHAT DO I LOVE (H.D. by Delia Alton, p. 39; "Compassionate Friendship", p. 47).
1941 October 5. H.D. in London; writes to Viola Jordan; thanks her for a birthday card and comments "it was touching to habe USA clover sent me for my 55 birthday"; says she had a wonderful six weeks in Cornwall; refers to news of Ezra sent by Viola; refers to having a chicken in the oven ("a great treat") which she is waiting to serve to Bryher; explains that Bryher feels thwarted and frustrated as she had hopes of getting a job in Egypt--Bryher was offered work in washington at the beginning of the war but she did not want to leave England-comments "now I wish she had managed to go, she is very intelligent, too cerebral, and always thinking and helping others- the very essence of Virgo"; indicates that the talk of the supernatural provides escape from mundane realities (H.D. to Viola Jordan, [unpubl. letter]).
1941 October 30. H.D. in London; writes to Silvia Dobson; writes of plans to go to George Plank's with Bryher; has been to Cambridge the previous week; may go to Cambridge again the following week; Perdita is in Cornwall (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 312-313).
1941 November 4. H.D. in London; writes to Silvia Dobson (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 313-314).
1941 November 10. H.D. in London; writes to Viola Jordan; defends her actions in not having returned to America when the war started-"if one has taken joy and comfort from a country, one does not want to leave it when there is trouble about"; assures Viola that her gifts have meant a great deal to her; refers to William Carlos Williams having writing a scathing article on Pound in New Directions--Pound apparently mentioned Williams on one of his broadcasts from Italy (H.D. to Viola Jordan, [unpubl. letter]).
1941 November 19. H.D. in London; writes to Norman Holmes Pearson; "I feel 20 years older and about 50 years younger, old values return ... there is NOTHING to say about what we have been through"; speaks of Perdita, who is in the country, using her languages on war-work--formerly she was driving a mobile canteen for firemen and pioneer works; hopes that during the forthcoming year (l942) he will be spared the experiences experiences which they have had; congratulates him on his marriage; comments that "Bryher frets sometimes, as she spent so much of her time on the continent, but she is very good and adaptable ..."; asks to be remembered to William Rose Ben‚t (H.D. to NHP, [unpubl. letter]).
1941 December. Sylvia Beach forced to close Shakespeare and Company due to Nazi harrassment (H.D. "Letters across the Abyss," p. 120).
1941 December 15, H.D. in London; writes to Silvia Dobson (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 316-317).
1942 - 1944. Volumes of TRILOGY written.
1942 January 16. Violet Hunt dies at South Lodge of pneumonia and senile dementia at age 79 (Belford, VIOLET, p. 280)
1942 February 23. H.D. in London; writes to Silvia Dobson; refers to plans to go with Bryher to go to Violet Hunt's house to pick over her personal effects {Silvia Dobson says that Bryher bought H.D. a desk there, rumoured to have belonged to the Empress Eugenie--now in Silvia's possession} (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p.301-302, 306-307). [LHS note: Barbara Belford in VIOLET (p. 280-281) says that Gerald Henderson was Violet Hunt's literary executor, and the South Lodge's possessions were autioneered of on April 16, l942 Warn Diana Coolecott that this entry was moved from 1941 after I found out when Violet Hunt died; Sylvia had dated it 1942.]
1942 (?) March 25. H.D. in London; writes to Viola Jordan; refers to cosmopolitan nature of London; went of a Vienna Cafe place the other day and then to see PARIS CALLING (with Elisabeth Bergner?); has seen references to Pound, calling him the Italian-American Hee-Haw; comments that a friend who works for the B.B.C has seen scripts of Pound's broadcasts and reported that "they were too, too terrible, illiterate and dull" (H.D. to Viola Jordan, [unpubl. letter]).
1942 April 28. H.D. in London; writes to Viola Jordan; says she goes on writing, a little every day, and working on tapestry ("it sounds inane but there is nothing like it for keeping ones mind off things"; comments on London taking on a village-like appearance; asks Viola if there are any spiritualist chuches or theosophical societies in America as she knows a young half-Indian student of religion who wants to to the U.S.A. after the war [Arthur Bhaduri?] (H.D. to Viola Jordan, [unpubl. letter]).
1942 May 19. H.D. in London; writes to Silvia Dobson; having dental problems (abscess); says she has not been out of London since the previous September (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 318-319. 321-322).
1942 July 4. H.D. in London; writes to Viola Jordan; thanks her for a V bag which included shoes which she is having repaired; draws comparasion between herself and Bryher as "Spratt and Mrs. J.S. complete"--Bryher tends to squirrel things away, H.D. wants to use them immediately; bewails not being able to travel--feels "very shut in after almost three years of this"; apologizes for bothering Viola about "occult" matters [LHS commrent: Viola must have made a negative response in relation to H.D.'s query about churches in April 28 letter]; refers to having seen an unchanged Ezra at time of Olivia Shakespear's death; comments that she and Perdita went to a concert at Albert Hall the previous evening (Michel Hambug doing Beethoven's 4th concerto--comments "most worth-while, not the power nor perception of our old Phila. Symphony Orchestra, which spoiled me horribly for enjoyment of the usual music"; describes parquet circle as having seats removed and people standing while listening--says it is impressive like a ball-room (H.D. to Viola Jordan, [unpubl. letter]).
l942 July 17. H.D. in London; writes to Silvia Dobson; about to depart for an unspecified place with Bryher (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 323-324).
1942 July 26 (?). H.D. in London; writes to Viola Jordan; mentions that she is going to Kent to a lovely spot near Tonbridge (about a two hour car ride from London [Woodhull]; Bryher and Perdita plan to leave this coming Wednesday for Cornwall--H.D. could not face the trip--too long; comments on rumors that Ezra is now cursing England too on the radio; describes Perdita as being very dark, has slav-eyes, tall but not as tall as H.D. --striking, handsome rather than beautiful or pretty; refers to Viola sending quotes from her father's book (?); refers to her periodic attacks of interest in the occult though "I think any sort of medium stuff (in excess) does drain one's vitality and is dangerous"; refers to a young man [Bhaduri?] who "is very gifted, in fact, he is a `seer', but I am not `mixed up' with him or anyone of the sort"; comments that he says that she is to travel in 1943 and renew many friendships; refers to arrival of another package from Viola; comments that B is writing a little book based on the blitzes [BEOWULF?]; asks if Viola has seen Miss Miniver--"It is silly in parts but gives a very good picture of the Dunkirk rescue boats going out and the blitz parts, the shelter and so on, very well done - if you want to see what we went through it is good from that point of view"; mentions some cultural life in general terms; says she is nearly 56 (H.D. to Viola Jordan, [unpubl. letter]).
1942 August 30. H.D. at Woodhall, Shipbourne, Kent; writes to Viola Jordan; thanks her for papers which she sent on to Bryher in Cornwall; has had a busy month here [at Woodhull] picking fruit, collecting vegetables; glad now to be going back as she feels a little cut off from civilization; comments "they are intelligent, perceptive girls but 3 years on the land has reduced all conversation to hen and goat"; comments that "just 3 years ago this week that war started"; refers to her girlhood love of New Jersey, especially Point Pleasant; referring to Viola's feelings for her son says "But I was one girl with 5 brothers so I think I know as well as most what `mothers of boys' feel. I know indeed that it is a different thing- there is always some sort of veiled biological rivalry among the women of a family- it has to be so"; thinks Bryher comes back to London about the 8th [September]; describes the locale and refers to riding in a horse driven cart; has been doing hedging (H.D. to Viola Jordan, [unpubl. letter]).
1942 Autumn. H.D. spends a few days at Woodhall (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 319).
1942 October 12. Clifford Howard dies (Wolle. A MORAVIAN HERITAGE, p. 31).
1942 November 16. H.D. in London; writes Christmas card to Norman Holmes Pearson (H.D. to NHP, [unpubl. letter]).
1942 November 23. H.D. in London; writes to Viola Jordan;
1942 December 30. H.D. in London; writes to Silvia Dobson; refers to astrological charts of Osbert and Edith Sitwell which Silvia had drawn up for her; refers to "little Bhaduri" who "is rather a pet in his way" (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 319, 325-326).
1943 - 1944. "Majic Ring" written (Friedman. DLB 45:137; source: "Compassionate Friendship", p. 30).
1943 January (?). H.D. in London; writes to Silvia Dobson; both H.D. and Perdita have had "a sort of germ, flu or grippe"; the news that Sylvia Beach is in an internment camp in the south of France has reached H.D. and Bryher by way of New York (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 335-336).
1943 April (?). Ivy Compton-Burnett and Margaret Jourdain, who are in London in connection with the Poet's Reading, have tea at Lowndes Square with H.D. and Bryher and there meet the three Sitwells; H.D. and Bryher went to tea with Ivy Compton-Burnett and Margaret Jourdain around this time (Sprigge, E. Life of Ivy Compton Burnett, p. 105)
1943 April 12. Norman Holmes Pearson arrives London (Winks, Robin W. CLOAK AND GOWN,, p. 310).
1943 April 13. H.D. in London; receives telephone call from Norman Holmes Pearson who has arrived for service in the OSS the previous day; tells him that he must come to the "Reading" the following day
1943 April 14. H.D. in London; reads poem, "Ancient Wisdom Speaks," in "A Reading by Famous Poets ..." at the Aeolian Hall In aid of the French in Great Britain; attended by the Queen and the two princesses.
1943 April 18. H.D. in London at 49 Lowndes Square; writes to Marianne Moore; encloses one of the programs from the poetry reading--one of the few extra ones which Osbert Sitwell let her have; quotes review in the TIMES to Moore; Queen Elizabeth had requested that the two princesses sit besides poets--describes seating arrangements; comments that "the two little girls were exceptionally well-behaved and charming at the same time"; would have written sooner but they were asked not to mention the plans of the Royal Party; cooments that she had never read in public before and now feels that it is the best way to present poetry; has had lots of parties; refers to the fact that Norman Holmes Pearson is in England (unpubl. letter, Rosenbach Foundation).
1943 April 24. H.D. in London; writes to Silvia Dobson; refers to reading Walter De La Mare's MEMOIRS OF A MIDGET; refers to Allies (or Alleys as H.D. and Bryher called it) the Knightsbridge cafe which H.D. and Bryher frequented before finding the T-Kettle (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 328, 337).
1943 May 2. H.D. in London; writes to Norman Holmes Pearson; has recently had a tooth removed; refers to the little room downstairs where they could put him up should the need arise (which they have kept rather a secret--Faith Compton MacKenzie has stayed there--she had to be prodded out to make room for someone else to whom they had promised it); describes flat as being "on the 4th floor- USA 5th floor"; refers to the reading of "Famous Poets": "We had such fun at the Reading of `Famous Poets' ... that we forgot the war for a whole week and now I have got into a happy frame of mind and want to go on forgetting it"; describes Bryher's actions ("good deeds and constant care"); refers to death of Stephen Vincent Ben‚t and says she grieved when she heard the news over the radio--following so soon after that of Laurence Binyon; says she looks forward to introducing Pearson to some of their friends (Robert Herring, the Sitwells, Ivy Compton-Burnet, Margaret Jourdain, and Elizabeth Bowen); mentions a "haven in Cornwall, a great farm or manor house" [Trenoweth] (H.D. to NHP, [unpubl. letter]).
1943 May 15. H.D. in London; writes to Norman Holmes Pearson; says that she, who does not write letters, feels impelled to write because of a "`brook and river meet' feeling"; has been starting to read and list her own books as well as put bookplates in them; refers to also
1943 May 29. H.D. in London; writes to Silvia Dobson; supplies Silvia with Walter Schmideberg's address (199 Gloucester Place N.W. 1); still having weekly treatments at the dentist (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 328-339).
1943 June (?) 23 [Silvia Dobson has as August 23, letter dated Tues. 23]. H.D. in London; writes to Silvia Dobson; more about plans for coming down to Woodhall; comments on bombing "rather noisy last night, mostly at Ealing, they say. But I will be glad to get out of it. Had quite enough in the big blitz-time and the noise gives me blitz-headaches now; though I stood it in the beginning, I don't fancy a repetition on the old scale- heaven forbid!"; mentions that she is trying to learn to knit; asks if a chamber pot will be available for her (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 347-348).
1943 July 8. H.D. in London; writes to Norman Holmes Pearson; has apparently recently spent an evening with Pearson--refers to an orgy of delicous food; mentions possibility of going away for a few weeks in August; refers to interest which Pearson has taken in Perdita (and refers to Perdita's "young gent with his dramatic alarums and excursions"); mentions attempts to find a new position for Perdita; had an unexpected vistor ("the son of a friend-of-a-friend ... right out of some operational work, a child from highschool, a navigator") the previous evening for whom they could do nothing except chat for a half hour as they had to go out (H.D. to NHP, [unpubl. letter]).
l943 July 12. H.D. in London; writes to Norman Holmes Pearson; thanks him for the form which he sent for Perdita to fill out as part of her application for a job with his office; Perdita has spent the previous weekend with George Plank; apparently H.D. and Bryher had told Perdita that there was a possibility of another a different job coming but not wanting to implicate Pearson yet, they had named another friend as the source--H.D. comments they that had stopped Perdita in the nick of time from writing to the other person about the possibility, a fact which indicates to H.D. that Perdita is eager for a change; Pearson has mentioned (in a letter of July 9) his reservations about breaking some one in only to have them leave and H.D. tells him that that "Bryher will deal with all that in her business-like manner"; refers to war activities, commenting "I wonder if Ezra knows how near 'we' are?"; adds a postscript telling Pearson that George Plank had done the feather on the stationary and the rose bookplate (H.D. to NHP, [unpubl. letter]).
l943 July 13. H.D. in London; writes to Norman Holmes Pearson, enclosing the form that Perdita has filled out; tells Pearson how to get in touch with Perdita (mentions that Perdita has been sharing a house with two other Foriegn Office girls at 29 Ovington Street); comments on Perdita filing out the form, including the chewing of then pen over the question on "ciphering experience" which Bryher said to leave blank {since it apparently would have been a breach of confidentiality to have answered it} (H.D. to NHP, [unpubl. letter]).
1943 July 28. H.D. in London; writes to Silvia Dobson; discusses holiday plans--Bryher to go to Cornwall, H.D. to got to Woodhall (August 9 or l0) (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 340-341).
1943 August 3. H.D. in London; writes to Silvia Dobson; Bryher doing hectic packing, hopes to get off for Cornwall the following evening; H.D. posting some boxes ahead to Woodhall including wool [for tapestries and hooked rugs] (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 342-343).
1943 August 7. H.D. in London; is visited by Norman Holmes Pearson in the evening (H.D. to NHP, [unpubl. letter of August 9, 1943]).
l943 August 9. H.D. in London; writes to Norman Holmes Pearson; is posting him a copy of the manuscript of THE GIFT--says "Houghton Mifflin have copy in Boston but as Chapter 4 and Chapter 7 were badly cut about by censor, and the point of the whole story lost, I asked them to hold it with a book of poems they have, till later. I do not think they are any too keen, anyhow - but I had to get it off my chest so sent over, air-mail, single chapters ... so there is that copy anyhow. I usually destroy originals but find I have my first rough typed copy (I work direct on machine) and would be glad to hand it over to you for your collection, later, if you want it. The Gift is a thing I have worked at, off and on, for 20 years- but it only finally snapped into shape after I had scrapped all early efforts, during the bad raids, when I began this final copy, and it had to be worked through the minds of the children or the child"; says she thought Pearson "might understand a few things in it, as hardly anyone can or will"; indicates that she plans to leave for Woodhall the next day; thanks Pearson for coming in on Saturday and [they must have had a long serious conversation as she] refers to "a deep unconscious strain, all the time, really, being in a `foreign' country" and "I feel happier already about Bryher' (H.D. to NHP, [unpubl. letter]).
1943 August 10(?). H.D. goes to Woodhall by train.
1943 August 14(?). H.D. at Woodhall, Shipbourne, Kent; writes to Norman Holmes Pearson; thanks Pearson for an extra last minute effort on Perdita's behalf; reports that Perdita has written to say that she is finding the work very interesting--but even more hush-hush than her previous position; refers to the fact that her last week-end out of town was during the previous August; describes life at Woodhall--picking plums and berries--taking jaunts for hay--the enemy flies overhead but not as near as in London; has even had what she calls an "orgy"--to the "`Plough' at Ivy Hatch" (H.D. to NHP, [unpubl. letter]). [In June 1988 Sylvia Dobson explained to LHS that "the orgy" was in a pony trap--and that the "plough" was a pub which which hung out sacks of hay for horses.]
1943 August 26. H.D. at Woodhall, Shipbourne, Kent; writes to Norman Holmes Pearson; gives a philiosophical discourse and refers to "the 'latter-day twice-born' (as I call them or us, in one of my new poems}"; muses on her relationship with Bryher--sees herself as moving on and Bryher as sliding back--remaining stuck at a certain level; plans to return to London early in the week; mentions NIGHTS and says "it represented a rather lost, sad period (maybe about 1932)" (H.D. to NHP, [unpubl. letter]).
1943 August 30. H.D. returns to London from Woodhall; writes to Silvia Dobson; refers to having the Oxford University Preess express interest in a book, probably THE WALLS DO NOT FALL ("but I hate the cheap and nasty little brochure they offer as a sample"); refers to wanting Silvia to see THE GIFT sometime, "the thing I took so long to get off my chest"; refers to plans to see her, Norah, and the twins (Mollie and Mervyn) at Lowndes on Thursday (September 2), the birth date the twins shared with Bryher (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 349-350). Writes to Norah Dobson thanking her for her visit to Woodhall; will expect them for elevenses on the 2nd; Bryher is expected back from Cornwall on Wednesday (September l) (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 351-354).
1943 September 5. H.D. in London; writes to Norman Holmes Pearson; apparently Pearson has been away and missed an affair at Edith Sitwell's--there is to be another one on the 14th which she and Bryher must attend--invites Pearson to join them; there is to be another gathering on Thursday the 16th at Edith's club, the Sesame Club, 44 Grosvenor Street (H.D. to NHP, [unpubl. letter]).
1943 September 7. H.D. in London; writes to Silvia Dobson; refers to illness of George Plank (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 355-356). Writes to Norman Holmes Pearson [date supplied by Pearson]; apparently Edith Sitwell plans to have another party at 4:30 the following day and wants Pearson to attend; H.D. and Bryher plan to attend; suggests that Pearson could even come back to the flat afterwards for sherry (H.D. to NHP, [unpubl. letter]).
1943 October 1. H.D. in London; writes to Norman Holmes Pearson; invites him to come have a snack with her on Monday (Oct. 4) [Pearson responded the next day that he would be unable to come]; Bryher is away--expected back on Tuesday or perhaps Monday; refers to Arthur Bhadhuri who has been in for a drink; Perdita is there for dinner and is "busy with Mozart" (H.D. to NHP, [unpubl. letter]).
1943 October 2. NHP responds to H.D. that on the following night he is firewatching and on Monday night he has two professional guests lined up; asks for Edith Sitwell's address so that he can send her a copy of Thoreau's WEEK ON THE CONCORD AMD MERRIMAC RIVERS which she has asked for and which Maggas has found for him; has been to the ballet that evening which included "A Rake's Progress" with sets by Rex Whistler and a free arrangement of Walton's music for Facade (NHP to H.D. [unpubl. letter]).
1943 October 4. H.D. in London; writes to Norman Holmes Pearson; supplies Edith Sitwell's address; encloses an invitation to an affair at "Belge and Luxumborg [sic]"; Hester Masden-Smedley will be staying at the flat for two nights and he could casually (?) meet her there; says Hester's husband is in some important government department; refers to the Preston (?) with whom Pearson has gone to the ballet on the previous Saturday; says she is going up to see George Plank who is ill and talk to him about "home" [Philadelphia?]--he will only see people from there thus the responsibility evolves on her and Logan Pearsall Smith (H.D. to NHP, [unpubl. letter]).
1943 October 5. H.D. in London; writes to Norman Holmes Pearson; sends him the first draft of THE GIFT--says she is unable to move on with the notes and appendix until this is out of the house; Bryher has returned; says "I am sure we are going to be less clausta-phobic this winter, no matter what happens outside or inside"; refers to plans to attend a lecture (?) at "the Belge place" [L'Institut Belge] (H.D. to NHP, [unpubl. letter]).
1943 October 15. H.D. in London; writes to Norman Holmes Pearson; inquires when he can come to dinner; George Plank, who apparently came close to death's door, is now on the road to recovery; implies that Pearson will be helping to get Plank back to America (H.D. to NHP, [unpubl. letter]).
1943 October 20. H.D. hears Lord Dowding lecture on spirit messages (H.D. by Delia Alton, p. 14) (Autobiographical notes). [LHS note: in "Compassionate Friendship", p. 30, H.D. says she wrote "Writing on the Wall" in 1944 before she encountered Dowding, but later, p. 47, says that she began writing Lord Dowding after she head him lecture in October 1943 then she says she met him in February 1945].
1943 October 29. H.D. attends seance and has viking ship vision (Friedman. DLB 45:138).
1943 November - December. H.D. sits on a committee to make the first awards of the Society of Authors "Travelling Scholarship Fund" [donated anonymously by Bryher--Cf. her correspondence with the Society of Author]; other members include Harold Nicholson (Chairman), Edith Sitwell, Stephen Spender, John Lehmann, Raymond Mortimer and W. E. Williams (Collecott. Notes).
The letters to Susan Pearson which are stored in a bank vault might help to date this particular letter through the reference to eating together at "The Grill."¯1943 October (end) - November (before the 23). H.D. in London; writes to Norman Holmes Pearson; refers to his possibly having eaten with them at "The Grill" which she and Bryher have started to go to again now that "our poor Speranza is now on the down-grade"; refers to how much being with him--"just the sound of your voice"--helps to allieviate her feelings of homesickness for the U.S. [LHS comment--see stanzas 22 and 23 of THE WALLS DO NOT FALL]; discusses the creation of THE WALLS DO NOT FALL for several pages, presumably a response to his having asked for a descriptive letter before he attenpted to write the blurb for Sir Humphrey Milford which appears on the back wrapper of the Oxford University Press edition (H.D. to NHP, [unpubl. letter]).
1943 December 20. Society of Authors "Travelling Scholarship Fund" grants awards to Cecil Day Lewis, V. S. Pritchett and William Sansom (Collecott. Notes).
1944. WHAT DO I LOVE? containing "May 1943," "R.A.F.," and "Christmas 1944" published by the Brendin Publishing Co. in London.
1944. THE WALLS DO NOT FALL published in London by Oxford University Press.
1944. "Writing on the Wall" written ("Compassionate Friendship", p. 30)
1944 February 23. H.D. in London; is visited at Lowndes Square by Norman Holmes Pearson (deduced from H.D. to NHP, [unpubl. letter, 24 II 1944]).
1944 February 24. H.D. in London; writes to Norman Holmes Pearson; says that she has just heard from Sir Humphrey Milford that the American branch of the Oxford University Press wants to bring out an American edition of THE WALLS DO NOT FALL--a 10% royality has been suggested; refers to series of bombs that they are experiencing; refers to his having been there the previous evening (H.D. to NHP, [unpubl. letter]).
1944 March 31. H.D. in London; writes to Silvia Dobson; reflects on Perdita's twenty-fifth birthday; refers to Edith Sitwell's "Still Falls the Rain" ("Yes- I was a little shocked and agast at Edith's last poem - it does look as if the blight of this present bitter-time had bitten very deep. Ther[e] is no HOPE in it- but she has been having a dreary lonely time, in that great house, with few contacts and few fires - unlike our own rampant heartening blazes at Woodhall") (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 359-360 [here, Silvia Dobson comments that H.D. had reported to Francis Wolle on Osbert Sitwell's review of THE WALLS DO NOT FALL and that the line "we want, we need more ..." "so bedazzled me that I sat down the last two weeks of May and did another series, the same length, a sort of premature peace poem], 370-371).
1944 April 15. H.D. in London; writes to Silvia Dobson; plans to come to Woodhall April 20 or 21; comments that the doctor has said that her muscular rheumatism is due to the nerve strain of the blitzes (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 372).
1944 April 21-27(?). H.D. at Woodhall (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 361).
1944 April 28. H.D. in London; writes to Silvia Dobson; thanks her for her stay at Woodhall; refers to Bryher's attempts to get John Macpherson (Kenneth Macpherson's father) to the USA [he, Pop, apparently stayed at Lowndes Square for period of time] (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 372).
1944 May 21. H.D. in London; writes to Norman Holmes Pearson; Perdita is apparently visiting (?); refers to a manuscript [unidentified by LHS] which is ready to be sent to him and which needs to have a quotation from Oliver Wendell Holmes verified--it is possibly being printed in LIFE AND LETTERS (H.D. to NHP, [unpubl. letter]).
[1944 June 6. D-Day: day of the invasion of Western Europe by Allied forces.]
1944 June 7. H.D. in London; writes to Silvia Dobson; refers to excitement of D. Day (June 6) (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 375-376).
1944 June 20. H.D. in London; writes to Norman Holmes Pearson;has been unable to reach him at the number which he gave to her; wants him to come to supper on Thursday [June 22] (H.D. to NHP, [unpubl. letter]).
1944 July 5. The flat occupied by Gerard and Cole Henderson was hit by a "doodlebug"; Gerard, Librarian at St. Paul's loses an eye (Bryher. DAYS OF MARS, p. 134).
1944 July 9(?). H.D. in London; writes to Silvia Dobson; refers to the Henderson's misfortune and to Bryher's having helped with the "final clean-out"; discusses holiday plans, possibly going to Cornwall (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 385-386).
1944 July 20, H.D. and Bryher arrive in Cornwall (H.D. to NHP, [unpubl. letter, 31 July 1944]).
1944 July 23. H.D. and Bryher in Cornwall; send postcard to Norman Holmes Pearson (H.D. to NHP, [unpubl. letter]).
1944 July 24. H.D. in Cornwall; sends postcard to Norman Holmes Pearson (H.D. to NHP, [unpubl. letter]).
1944 July 27. H.D. at Trenoweth, St. Keverne, Cornwall; writes to Norman Holmes Pearson; gives a lyric description of surroundings; refers to Pearson's handling of American edition of THE WALLS DO NOT FALL and says "I think that the Peace poem (not yet christened) has a hearing later' (H.D. to NHP, [unpubl. letter]).
1944 July 31. H.D. at Trenoweth, St. Keverne, Cornwall; writes to Norman Holmes Pearson; refers to negotiations re American edition of THE WALLS DO NOT FALL; supplies Dir Humphrey Milford's address at the Oxford University Press; says she is still wallowing in the quiet and that "I have my `Puritan' conscience out of its cupboard & it is making me feel wretched and `guilty' at leaving you all there in bomb-alley"; says she presumes that they will be in Cornwall for a month and that they arrived on July 20th; Bryher will go to Ecklington for a bit after they get back (H.D. to NHP, [unpubl. letter]).
1944 August 4. H.D. at Trenoweth, St. Keverne, Doris Long's flower farm in Cornwall; writes to Silvia Dobson; refers to having heard from Walter de la Mare; [note: this letter was cut into by the Censor] (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 377-380). Also sends postcard to Norman Holmes Pearson (H.D. to NHP, [unpubl. letter]).
1944 August 2. NHP writes to H.D.; refers to a mysterious flyer on Oriental porcelain which Merrill Moore had sent to H.D. from New Zealand--the flyer was for an exhibition which had been held before the war and everyone seems puzzled as to why it should surface now (NHP to H.D. [unpubl. letter]).
1944 August 6. H.D. at Trenoweth, St. Keverne, Cornwall; writes to Norman Holmes Pearson; refers to "The Jewel in the Lotus" folder which Merrill Moore had sent and encloses another clipping which he had sent, from THE AUCKLAND STAR (March 30, 1944) which describes Moore's discovery that a good many American servicemen read and become interested in Hitler's MEIN KAMPF; describes experience of having encountered a cat with its hind leg caught in a trap--wonders if it is from such experiences that legends such as Cornish Ghoulies develop (H.D. to NHP, [unpubl. letter]).
1944 August 14. H.D. in Cornwall; sends post card to Norman Holmes Pearson (H.D. to NHP, [unpubl. letter]).
1944 August 20. H.D. at Trenoweth, St. Keverne, Cornwall; writes to Norman Holmes Pearson; she and Bryher are beginning to talk of returning to London--perhaps in 7 or 10 days or they might stay on an additional week; is reading a marvelous book, THE AMERICAN WAR OF INDEPENDENCE by Lt. Gen. Sir George Macunn [Note: Macunn appears to have been corrected in ms. to something else but LHS cannot make out what it is], which she says was one of the books sent to LIFE AND LETTERS for review back in 1939 (author seems to claim that the American Rebellion was hang-over of the British Civil Wars "come to roost" in New England and that it was really one of the seven wars with France); says she has written Marya G[regory] "that no matter HOW many letters N.P. owed them, it is THEY who should write him" (H.D. to NHP, [unpubl. letter]).
1944 August _LHS copied wrong day here; if he ever gets to verify Dobson letters again he should check for correct day.¯. H.D. at Trenoweth, St. Keverne; writes to Silvia Dobson; plans to stay on a few more weeks; refers to the liberation of France--to her it means "something special and regenerating"; refers to the fact she has been corresponding with Lady St. Levan, the sister-in-law of Vita Sackville West, who has apparently invited them to visit St. Michael's Mount [according to Silvia Dobson: H.D. did go to St. Michael's Mount from which she sent Silvia a postcard] (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 365, 381-384).
1944 August 22. H.D. at Trenoweth, St. Keverne, Cornwall; writes to Norman Holmes Pearson; is wondering about the possibility of getting Bryher a subscription to YANK for her birthday {Pearson had sent them an issue and Bryher had liked it; H.D. comments that Bryher likes gifts of magazine subscriptions} (H.D. to NHP, [unpubl. letter]).
1944 August 26. H.D. and Bryher in London; Bryher writes to Silvia Dobson; has just returned from a marvelous two plus months in Cornwall; H.D. adds postscript; Perdita has been there as well as Doris Long's daughter, Dean (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 432-433).
1944 August (end). Paris liberated.
1944 September 9. H.D. in London; writes to Silvia Dobson; thanks Silvia for gift of Walter De la Mare's MEMOIRS OF A MIDGET; refers to plans for Silvia to come to tea on Wednesday, September l3th ; Bryher has come close to developing a case of Jaundice, mercifully checked in time; had sent Walter De la Mare a handful of daffodil bulbs from Trenoweth (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 366, 387-38).
1944 September 10. H.D. in London; celebrates her birthday with Bryher, Perdita and Norman Holmes Pearson; Pearson has obtained a supply of American corn which he supervises the cooking of (H.D. to Susan Pearsonz, [unpubl. letter] 9/12/44).
1944 September 11. H.D. in London; writes to Norman Holmes Pearson; thanks him for having read her Angel series [TRIBUTE TO THE ANGELS]; is uncertain whether it should be published now or wait to see if she writes a third part ("I haven't the foggiest of what the 3rd is to be about and am rather harrassed and wrote the 2nd under compulsion"); is thinking of dedicating the ANGELS to Osbert Sitwell (or to Edith Sitwell) and if she does write a 3rd it should be dedicated to Norman Holmes Pearson; comments that Bryher did not approve of a protestant making a gesture towards Our Lady, but that she, H.D., thought she "had made it clear that she was `Our Lady universally', a spirit- from the days of Numa and what-not. Anyhow, the sequence happened like that and the dreaam conveniently arranged itself for me, or my own sub-conscious took over"; Pearson has apparently sent over some figs and H.D. has been enjoying them intensely; continues to reflect upon Our Lady as a symbol (H.D. to NHP, [unpubl. letter]).
1944 September 12. H.D. in London; writes to Susan Pearson; thanks for a wonderful box which she has sent and which arrived during their absence; explains that they have been away for about six weeks; comments on combs, desert puddings, and bottle caps; comments that Norman had gotten her some American corn for her birthday and they insisted that he share it with them; he not only shared but also directed the cooking of it--boing water and then just ten minutes with a pinch of salt [sic]; Perdita was also there; comments that Norman is looking well--that is, well for London standards; comments that they try to go away every summer to escape the strain of the blitz; regretted leaving Perdita behind though she was in good hands under Pearson; Norman has been such a delight to them, keeping them supplied with news and magazines, though they don't see nearly enough of him; thanks Susan for looking up bibliographical data; comments on having had a manuscript [?] which she sent to the USA badly cut about by the censor; comments on current hiatus in the war and says "There just comes a moment, when one cannot absorb any more intensity or drama- and yet I would not have missed this time for anything"; has really appreciated the combs which Susan sent; hopes to meet someday and comments that she was happy to hear that he had found her (H.D. to Susan Pearson, [unpubl. letter]).
1944 October 19. H.D. in London; writes to Adrienne Monnier; has apparently just learned that she and Sylvia Beach are safe; concludes "This is just a greeting across the Abyss (H.D. "Letters across the Abyss," p. 120).
1944 October 29. H.D. in London; writes to Silvia Dobson (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 394-395).
1944 November. TRIBUTE TO FREUD written (Thorn Thicket, p. 28) (H.D. by Delia Alton, p. 17).
1944 November 18. H.D. in London; writes to Silvia Dobson; refers to plans that afternoon to go with Robert Herring to see RICHARD III (will have lunch at the "Coquille" near the New Theatre); comments that she and Bryher never go anywhere to eat except "our Allies" {Silvia Dobson comments that H.D. feared eating out during the war--that she suspected that chicken might really be disguised cat}; refers to having seen Schmideberg about her Freud letters--"I am trying to get my notes done on Vienna and my work there. All very serious yet somehow rewarding work- yet I question- WHO will read this ????"; has seen PEER GYNT with Perdita (and Bryher?) and comments that "the last time I saw it was in Philadelphia when I was 18" (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 391, 396-397).
1944 December 5. H.D. in London; writes to Norman Holmes Pearson; primarily comments on TRIBUTE TO THE ANGELS; started the poems at odd moments "as a poet should"--the first atop a bus enroute to Putney, brushing through those chestnut trees; says "they link on to the first- I purposely tried to to keep the link, but carry on from the black tunnel of darkness or "initiation", at least toward the tunnel entrance. I really DID feel that a new heaven and a new earth were about to materialize. It lasted as you know, for a few weeks- then D-day! And the `re-athering, thundering storm'"; goes on to discuss origins of the names for the angels; discusses dedication to Osbert Sitwell; indicates that she and Bryher expect to see Pearson on Sunday; refers to two contracts, signed and sealed, are in order--Sir Humphrey Milford said that he would set up TRIBUTE TO THE ANGELS as soon as could get the paper--possibly for Spring publication; says they "did enjoy Sunday last" (H.D. to NHP, [unpubl. letter]).
1944 December 13. Bryher receives her first letter in five years from Sylvia Beach.
1944 December 15. H.D. in London; writes to Silvia Dobson; says "Bryher is in a state of permanent rush, hysteria I call it" referring to Christmas preparations; says that both "Old Pop" [John Macpherson] and George Plank have gotten to USA; refers to having heard from the States that Kenneth Macpherson has been completely "out of circulation" but now he is taking a place in the country; has recieved Dr. Sachs book on Freud ("quite interesting") and a new Kay Boyle; has "finished my vol. on Vienna memories, plus the Professor- quite a hair-raising job- and Br and Herring like it. I had old notebooks done at the time but did not use them- but the fact that they were there, gave me the impetus-"; says "I see Bear [Walter Schmideberg] now and again as he was helping me to brave the Freud notes- he didn't DO anything- but his being there helped" (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 391, 398-399).
1944 December 25 (?). Apparently for Christmas, Pearson gave to H.D. the typescript of the blurb which he had written which was published on the back wrapper of the Oxford University Press edition of TRIBUTE TO THE ANGELS (with: NHP to H.D. [unpubl. letters]).
1945 - 1946. "Writing on the Wall" (later renamed TRIBUTE TO FREUD) published in LIFE AND LETTERS.
1945. TRIBUTE TO THE ANGELS published in London by Oxford University Press.
1945 January 10. H.D. in London; writes to Silvia Dobson (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 408-409).
1945 January 30. H.D. in London; writes to Silvia Dobson; reminiscences on her l923 trip to Egypt {Silvia is now stationed in Egypt}; refers to having heard from Kenneth Macpherson, who has rented a large estate in the USA with a house, guest house, out houses, three swiming pools, a stream, and an avenue of pine trees; refers to Hilton's LOST HORIZON and remarks that she has gotten "rather Tibet-minded" (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 410-411).
1945 February. Meets Lord Dowding ("Compassionate Friendship", p. 47).
1945 February 12. H.D. in London; writes to Silvia Dobson; refers to worries about Molly Hughes's welfare; they are now able to get ice cream at Harrods; refers to astrology and the advent of a new "`fan' a doctor in the north of England" {Silvia Dobson identifies this as Dr. Elizabeth Ashby}--has "come to the conclusion that Bryher has ram rising. Don't you think it goes with her head-long and break-neck methods of HELPHING [sic] and butting through all obstructions? Anyhow Br took to RAM and has begun to 'play' a little- she would never play properly at `stars' with me before" (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 404, 412-413).
1945 March 3. H.D. in London; writes to Silvia Dobson; refers to the time when she saw Yugo from the deck of a Hellenic Cruise boat and visited Dubrovnick; awaiting departure of Perdita who is being moved to Paris; George Plank, who had returned to USA, is very unhappy in North Carolina and is attempting to return to England ; refers to having finished up some notes on the old Professor [Writing on the Walls] and that LIFE AND LETTERS wants to set some of it up; her next book of poems [TRIBUTE TO THE ANGELS] has been set up and she "did a 3rd, as to finish `war' trilogy" [FLOWERING OF THE ROD] (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 414-415).
1945 March 28. H.D. in London; writes to Silvia Dobson; refers to reading Huxley's new book {identified by Silvia Dobson as reissued BRAVE NEW WORLD with it's new preface}; Perdita has left, is in "western Europe"; refers to "Bryher's old Madame Blancquaert who had a huge elephant tusk delivered a day or so ago ... part of her dead-husband's effects and Br had kept saying she would not like the risk of keeping it here ... Bryher's room now is half-tusk, half books and herself completely swamped or barracaded in"; says "I think of the Bells in Venice; I got them into my TRIBUTE TO THE ANGELS ["Annael- this is another voice ... with the weight of massive bees"], poems which are due out in April ... They are planetary Angels & a planetary Lady to bring you joy & peace soon, we trust" (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 406, 416-417).
1945 April 8. H.D. in London; Norman Holmes Pearson dines with H.D. and Bryher at the flat; cannot stay too long (H.D. to Susan Pearson, [unpubl. letter] 4/14/45).
1945 April 13. H.D. in London; Norman Holmes Pearson comes for a little supper with her and Bryher to celebrate his birthday with a cake which they managed to have made (H.D. to Susan Pearson, [unpubl. letter] 4/14/45).
1945 April 14. H.D. in London; writes to Susan Pearson; thanks her for a illustrated collection of Grimm's fairy tales; comments that she has never found one comparable to the first one which she had which was left behind when they moved from Bethlehem to Philadelphia; she does have the two volumes of the original Margaret Hunt translation which she is delighted to note has bbeen used in the present edition; comments on the illustrations, by Josef Scharl; describes Pearson's visits of the 8th and the 13th; comments that Perdita, thanks to Norman, has gone off in USA uniform to "Europe" and is very happy--is now in touch with some some of their friends about whom they have been concerned since the war started; was shocked to hear of Roosevelt's death; comments on the mourning that is being done in London--"the people seem to feel that the President really belongs to them here. We did feel all along so grateful to him for his attitude to this island when `we stood alone' and WHAT a time that was! Well- peace seems well on the way now"; comments "N. looks very well but rushed all the time - however we think he rests here, snuggles in an arm-chair & reads our old USA papers while we get our simple Sunday evening supper!" (H.D. to Susan Pearson, [unpubl. letter]).
[1945 May 8. V-E Day: day of victory in Europe for the Allies.]
*1945 May 16. H.D. in London; writes to Silvia Dobson; peace is here; refers to the 1934 time in Venice with Silvia and says that she has heard no Victory bells to equal the ones in Venice; planes overhead are flying very low so that returning prisoners can have a look at London; Gerald Henderson has stuck flags up for H.D. and Bryher inside their windows [DC note this--possible picture for London book]; trying to get to Stratford--refers to having "had the birthday there. It was wonderful. We all laid our posies on the stone in the church to the sound of Wedding March and peal of bells" [LHS note this--did H.D. spend Shakespeare's birthday in Stratford in 1945?]; has seen DUCHESS OF MALFI and a good many Shakespeare productions [film?] (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 406, 418-419).
1945 May 27. H.D. in London; sees Norman Holmes Pearson (inferred drom H.D. to NHP, [unpubl. letter], 31 May 1945).
1945 (Not certain this that this letter is 1945--however it was removed from NHP's copy of TRIBUTE TO THE ANGELS--and reference to blurb could be to that which Pearson wrote--also in March 1945, H.D. wrote to Silvia Dobson that TRIBUTE TO THE ANGELS was being set up.) May 31. H.D. in London; writes to Norman Holmes Pearson; welcomes him to his new home (?); refers to having seen him the previous Sunday; comments that Edith [Sitwell] will be in London in mid-June and that she will want to see Pearson; confides that Edith told Bryher that Pearson reminded her of [T.S.] Eliot (apparentlly a real tribute from Edith); says "I particularly recommend the gem-like prose of the back folder!!" [probably referring to Pearson's blurb for TRIBUTE TO THE ANGELS since this letter accompanied a copy] (H.D. to NHP, [unpubl. letter]).
1945 June 2. H.D. and Bryher attend the Society of Authors' "Diamond Jubilee Conversazione" at Grosvenor House, London. John Masefield (President) and Osbert Sitwell (Chairman of the Committee of Management) have leading roles (Collecott. Notes).
1945 June 5. H.D. in London; writes to Silvia Dobson; has been having some injections from Doctor Blum[berg] who says she has very low blood pressure [in her notes, Silvia Dobson says that this same "good Doctor Blumberg took a precious gift of radium, paid for by Bryher, to Paris"]; hopes to get off for Stratford for a few days; is hoping that Churchill is re-elected; a publisher (?) has expressed interest in "Writing on the Wall" which has appeared in LIFE AND LETTERS; Perdita was back for a weeks visit; refers to "that day at the Allies" [in her notes Silvia Dobson explains that they had escaped death or manglement by a few feet] (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 421, 423-424).
1945 June 7. H.D. in London; writes postcard to Norman Holmes Pearson; [possibly written just prior to leaving for Stratford-on-Avon] (H.D. to NHP, [unpubl. letter]).
1945 June 15. H.D. in London; writes to Norah Dobson; has just gotten back from "a rare week on Avon; says that Bryher is going down to Cornwall, June 27 or 28 (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 427-428).
1945 July 20. H.D. in Stratford on Avon, at the Swan's Nest Hotel; writes to Silvia Dobson; has seen all but one of the eight plays being offered; plans to see MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING that evening; plans to go to Chipping Campden on the edge of the Cotswolds on Wednesday [July 26] for a week, then plans to return to Stratford on Avon to a room and breakfast place;; Bryher is in Cornwall--says "I think separation is good, in fact a necessity"; thinks they will be back in London before the birthdays (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 425-426). It is possibly on this trip that as she later wrote to Pearson "at the moment, just now, I remember a wonderful box of chocolates that I gobbled all alone at the Swan Inn, that later summer 1945 visit to Avon" [implication that it had come from Pearson] (H.D. to NHP, [unpubl. letter] 2/8/49).
1945 July 29. H.D. at Noel Arms, Chipping Camden, Gloucestershire; writes to Norman Holmes Pearson; refers to a review [unidentified; possibly YALE REVIEW, Spring 1945] of THE WALLS DO NOT FALL and the juxtapositions contained therein (with mention [?] of Eliot, Joyce and Thornton Wilder)--says it seems to include or predict the FLOWERING OF THE ROD; says " only here, have I had time & real space in which to browse and brood. I shall brood a bit longer on our Rod--feel I do not want it or them to leave the nest"; has not show the series to anyone except him; refers to having gone on a wonderful trip with her lady-doctor [LHS thinks this is possibly Dr. Elizabeth Ashby] (by way of Stow-on-the Wold, Bourton-on the-Water, Fosse Bridge to Bibury); describes Chipping as a Christmas card town; refers to recent elections; Bryher is writing her sustaining letters from Cornwall; refers to chocolates which she brought along with her which Pearson must have given her; will return to Stratford-on-Avon on Wednesday [August 1]; gives him her next address as (from Aug. 1 - 15) c/o Mrs. Denny, 19 Old Town, Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire (H.D. to NHP, [unpubl. letter]).
1945 September. "The Guardians" (about the Scottish Nannie of the Dobson family) written (H.D. by Delia Alton, p. 40).
1945 September 1. H.D. in London; writes to Norman Holmes Pearson; refers to his having flown back to America to be with Susan Pearson who has just had her second operation for that Summer; refers to Perdita who is looking forward to her new work; refers to reading Emily Dickinson; says that Unwin does not want the Freud memoir--has had another second rate publisher ask for it but says she will not let it go except to the best; seems pleased with its appearance in LIFE AND LETTERS; thanks him for parcels (H.D. to NHP, [unpubl. letter]).
1945 September 3. H.D. attends seance and hears urgent messages from some of Lord Dowding's dead RAF pilots warning of an imminent third world war (Friedman. DLB 45:138) (H.D. by Delia Alton, p. 11).
1945 September 16. Battle of Britain Sunday: H.D. attends Westminster Abbey (Thorn Thicket, p. 21) (H.D. by Delia Alton, p. 11).
1945 October 26. Arthur Pell of Liveright Publishing Company writes to H.D. that l.) Marianne Moore has written to him now that the war is over they are to communicate directly with H.D. instead of through Moore and 2.) Liveright would like to add more poems to THE COLLECTED POEMS OF H.D. and to reissue the book (Pell's letter interfiled in H.D. to NHP, [unpubl. letters]). [See also entry for April 2, 1946.]
1945 November 8. H.D. in London; writes to Katharine E. McBride of Bryn Mawr about plans to lecture and requesting information about lodging, etc. (referred to in letter from H.D. to Norman Holmes Pearson, December 27, l945).
1945 November 26. H.D. in London at 49 Lowndes Square; writes to Marianne Moore; sends Christmas greetings; tells Moore of having been asked to lecture at Bryn Mawr, second term, February through mid-Hune [1946]; does not not if she will get off, but has gotten her provisional visa that day--"a step on, out of the depression and stagination here"; asks Moore to help by giving her a list of approximately twelve of her favorite lyrics or short selections from longer poems or plays--mentions that two of her own choices are "Queen & Huntress" by Ben Jonson and "Go. Lovely Rome" by Waller (unpubl. letter, Rosenbach Foundation).
1945 November 30. H.D. in London; writes to Silvia Dobson; refers to a ms. of Silvia's which she has read; comments that she seems to go from cold to cold (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 438-439).
1945 December 10. H.D. in London; writes a formal note to Norman Holmes Pearson authorizing him to look after her literary affairs in the United States until she herself is able to cross "which will be, as you know, in the near future" (H.D. to NHP, [unpubl. letter]).
1945 December 23. H.D. and Bryher at Perdita's; exchange presents (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 440).
1945 December 25. H.D. and Bryher have Christmas dinner at Robert Herring's house with a big tree and wonderful turkey (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 440).
1945 December 26. H.D. in London; writes to Silvia Dobson; she and Bryher are going out to the theatre with Perdita after lunch; refers to proposed trip to USA "I am still in doubt about my trip but am going ahead all the same, with my lecture notes and bookings etc."; refers to Melitta Schmideberg having gone to New York, leaving Walter Schmideberg all of her patients on top of his own (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 440-441).
1945 December 27. H.D. in London; writes to Norman Holmes Pearson; has posted him (on December 17) a copy of the American edition of TRIBUTE TO THE ANGELS; has had a cable from Bryn Mawr (Katharine E. McBride) offering to help with arrangements for the trip to America--coincidentally enough "as we are all three [H.D., Bryher and Perdita(?)] due at rendez-vous chez Miss Windsor [LHS comment: Rita Windsor was Bryher's travel agent and, if I remember correctly, she later sublet the Lowndes Square flat] at II this morning"; comments that one of the Ministries is vetting her papers; has asked that her travel plans be booked for late February or early March; is worried about having a place to stay (had written to Katharine McBride about it on November 8)--has had invitations from people in Pennsylvania but feels that if she is really to lecture then she should be lodged near the college "as I am pretty breathed out and even a short train trip might tire me for talk afterwards" [LHS comment: H.D. appears to have been looking forward to the teaching experience]; says she doesn't want to LIVE with people--"want to be private and at least partially alone ; a `room of my own." I am not a-social or anti-social, just have reserve strength, at least until I get my bearings"; mentions responses to requests for lists including Walter de lar Mare, the old Pearsall Smith people, and Osbert Sitwell [LHS comment: H.D. had apparently asked people for lists of poems, possibly favorite or what they consided to be the most important ones--one of these letters will eventually turn up and then we can see exactly what she asked for]; reminds Pearson that she does want his list--but not as a "critic"--phrases query to Pearson as "What would you take across Lethe if you were RATIONED as to memory, about 12 short poems or sections of lines from dramatists, Latin tag if you want or French"; says she will want more lists from people in America--she "did write at length to one 'representative'old lady for her list--individual wrote back she didnit have her books at hand--not the sort of response H.D. wanted at all: "I don't want things looked up and selected from BOOKS. Its what is there and what you want to stay there. I think this is a good attitude ; poetry in general, through the minds or hearts of the more modern writers"; thanks Pearson for all that he did for them all these years; has had a hectic Christmas--Edith Sitwell turned up with a friend of hers from Paris, a Madame Weil--they will be here another week, then she and Bryher will get a bit of a rest (socially); refers to social faux pauses on her own and Georgia Sitwell's parts; refers to the Bhaduris; has had a letter from Sarah Lawrence College [apparently asking her to lecture] and one from Marya Zaturenska, as well--but she doesn't even know if she could cope with Bryn Mawr--will use letters in being vetted by the ministries; sends the very best to all 4 Pearsons; they hope to get their affairs settled soon "and then over the hills and far away" (H.D. to NHP, [unpubl. letter]).
1946 - l947. "The Sword Went Out to Sea" written (Friedman. DLB 45:138); Part I dated May 6 [1947] {Ksnacht, Lausanne}, Part II. dated July 17 [1947] {Lausanne, Lugano} (Thorn Thicket, p. 28); begun before Christmas 1946 (H.D. by Delia Alton, p. 30).
1946. THE FLOWERING OF THE ROD published in London by Oxford University Press. [See entry for July 4, l946.]
1946 January 1. H.D. in London; writes to Silvia Dobson; describes Oswald Blakeston (was in films, has done quite a few books, was C.O. during the war and is still involved in hospital duties); refers to a Dobson clan gathering on January 5 (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 445-446).
1946 January 5. H.D. in London; has visit from members of the Dobson family (Silvia, Norah, Mollie and Mervyn) in the morning [in her notes Silvia Dobson comments that she saw little of H.D. that January--"Bryher guarded her zealously, indicating that association with war time data was bad for her" but that H.D. did talk about "the dead pilots of her dreams, one called Larry" (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 442-443).
1946 January 6. H.D. in London; writes to Norman Holmes Pearson, adding to letter from Bryher; {Bryher apparently was all set to leave for America but has had to postpone journey because a lawsuit with H.M.'s government over Lady Ellerman's estate had to be postpone from January 7 to Febrary 8--now hopes to get off about February 20; they are tryiing to get Perdita off on February 3--Bryher has written to Rene Wormser asking him to keep an eye out for Perdita and gives Pearson Rene's address so that he can get in touch with Perdita; Bryher describes H.D.'s having been terrified by descriptions of what the plane trip across would be like--possibility of a sea trip for H.D. is being investigated--they are now aiming to get H.D. out the first week of March}; H.D. now comes in; refers to Pearson's having missed an appointment with a G. Cumbers because he took his cab to the wrong address--H.D. has now had a letter from Cumbers and that he says "that the firm could not see their way to doing the Professor Freud Notes I think he himself wanted to do it - and the older ones or Sir H.M. objected" [LHS wonders if if G. Cumbers was connected with Oxford University Press and later formed Geoffrey Cumberledge?]; comments: "I see that Br has outlined our plans in her usual lurid fashion"; has heard from friends near Bryn Mawr that they would put her up for a short time and run her around while she looked for a place however she saw Alys Russell the other day (78 and the oldest Bryn Mawr "girl"--entered in 1885) who said that they would probably put H.D. up at THE DEANERY; she also say Alys' brother, Logan Pearsall Smith, and they read pages of Donne aloud--"I dare say it is good practice for the seminar"; refers to lists again and comments that Edith Sitwell was slightly coy and wouldn't play (De la Mare's list included some sea-chanties) (H.D. to NHP, [unpubl. letter]).
1946 January 29. H.D. in London; writes to Norman Holmes Pearson; she is excited about his trip to Mexico; says "Yucatan is just the ONE place that I have always thought about"; thanks him for sending his list--feels that his is the best "starter" that she has had; the only one that they both had on their respective lists was "Full fathom five"; the chief repeater on the lists from others is Nashe "Adieu, farewell ..."; has received four lists so far, including her own; has had two days of the flu or grippe then a wonderful week of convalescence during which she says she consumed Lady Ellerman's Veuve Cliquot Ponsardin. 1926; discusses lists some more; has heaard that she is to go to the Deanery at Bryn Mawr; Miss Windsor hopes to get H.D. off March 1 or 2; Perdita is due to leave for America on Sunday (February 3); apparently is sending Pearson the typescript of "Writing on the Wall" as she includes about a page of comments on pencilled corrections; says Schmideberg never wholly qualified in England though he did get his doctor[ate] abroad; gives corrections for LIFE AND LETTERS printing; two sections of the typescript were deleted by Robert Herring and she thinks, on the whole, that she agrees with those cuts (crossed out on tpescript, pages 113-114 and 140-141; makes other comments re typesetting and use of quotation marks; has deleted part of a reference to E[zra Pound] on page 145 per Pearson's suggestion made while he was still in England; thinks an acknowledgement ought to be given to LIFE AND LETTERS; would like to have the opportunity toproofread it if it does appear in America; comments that "Bryher says the older people here still have some odd feling about the Professor (H.D. to NHP, [unpubl. letter]).
1946 February 14. H.D. in London; writes to Silvia Dobson; refers to a procession of Queens {Silvia Dobson thinks this was a formal peace celebration involving possibly Queen Wilhemina and Princess Juliana, ex-Queen Frederika of Greece, Queen Elizabeth and Princesses Elizabeth and Margaret Rose, the ex-Queens of Italy, Yugoslavia and Albania, and the Danish, Norweigian, and Swedish Queens}; in this letter, the last Silvia received before H.D.'s breakdown, one senses a withdrawal: "And the past years are marked and shaped somehow, by memories of various incidents, all so full of change and terror too, of those war years. Just take this little note with love to all" (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 443-444, 447).
1946 Spring. In her notes Silvia Dobson comments that Dr. Blumberg told her that H.D. had meningitis; further "he described how she climbed to the roof of 49 Lowndes Square, meaning to throw herself down. Instead she tossed a fur coat Bryher had recently given her into the street"; Silvia also remembers that when Virginia Woolf committed suicide, H.D. had said "She had a perfect right to end her life, but why did she have to drown herself?" (Dobson. Notes [unpubl.], p. 443-444).
1946 March 3. Robert Herring writes to Walter Schmideberg describing H.D.'s mental condition.
*1946 April. H.D.'s breakdown; attended by Dr. Denis Carroll. [Note: this tidbit from cards kept by LHS while cataloging papers; source forgotten.]
1946 April 2. Arthur Pell of Liveright Publishing Corporation writes to H.D.; has been advised by Marianne Moore that he should communicate directly with H.D.; is sending a statement and a check [for $22.00] for royalities to December 31, 1945; expresses interest in issuing a new and enlarged edition of COLLECTED POEMS OF H.D.; if she is willing to send them additional material he offers a further advance of $500 against future earnings (filed in H.D. to NHP correspondence [unpubl.]). [See also entry for October 26, 1945.]
1946 April 6. H.D., Bryher, and Perdita send birthday telegram to Norman Holmes Pearson (H.D. to NHP, [unpubl. letter]).