HD's Web, an e-newsletter for those interested in H.D.’s work and life
ISSN: 1942-0935
- Number One, December 2007:
- Number Two, summer 2008:
- Supplement to Number Two, summer 2008:
- Number Three, December 2008:
- Number Four, summer 2009:
- Number Five, winter 2009:
- Number Six, summer 2010:
- Number Seven, 2011:
Lara Vetter, co-chair of the H.D. International Society, is assuming the editorship.
Guidelines for submissions:
We welcome:
- brief notes: for example, not long enough for an article, or perhaps less an argument and more a calling attention to some point of interest
- works in progress: queries, announcements, excerpts, etc.
- updated research: for example, bibliography
- research information: where to find what, contacts that may be shared, letters deposited in libraries, getting hold of recordings, etc.
- short papers, although please note this is NOT a peer-reviewed journal
- abstracts of papers given at conferences, with contact information if author allows; maybe even links to texts of papers?
- random tidbits that "H.D. people" would find interesting
- calls for papers and conference announcements
- announcements of forthcoming books, articles, etc.
- brief notes on and news about friends, contemporaries, and "descendants" of H.D.
- responses to the above
Please send submissions to the editor, Lara Vetter, LVetter@uncc.edu. Items may be submitted in the body of an e-mail or as an attached file (better for longer pieces). Please note: the editor is responsible for the content.
Published twice a year, notices regarding the availability of the current issue, deadlines for submissions, etc., will be posted to HDSoc-L (information is available on subscribing to HDSoc-L). More about us, or back to the H.D. Home Page.
HD's Web, an e-newsletter for those interested in H.D.’s work and life, Rev. February 15, 2012
Please send comments and suggestions to