H.D.'s Web: About us

H.D.'s Web is edited by independent scholar Maria Stadter Fox:
I think I may be the only one I know who came to HD through the study of tragedy (book, The Troubling Play of Gender: The Phaedra Dramas of Tsvetaeva, Yourcenar, and HD, 2001). I participated in an early MSA (2001?) seminar on HD led by Eileen Gregory, and a paper I gave there on HD's Ion is being polished up. I was at the Bethlehem, PA, conference (gave a paper on the masque, Hymen). And I have an article forthcoming in Classical and Modern Literature on HD's different approaches to Hippolytus Temporizes and Ion. I've taught (Georgia Southern University, Eckerd College) the HT and Trilogy, so have had the fun and the challenge of HD in the classroom, too. Since I'm currently an independent scholar, I don't have the resources of an academic library or travel support. This newsletter is a way for me to stay connected to the scholarly (and readerly) community formed by HD's work.
And produced by Heather Hernandez,
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About H.D.'s Web: About us, Rev. Oct. 20, 2007. (http://www.imagists.org/hd/hdsweb/about.html Please send comments and suggestions to hh@imagists.org